Chapter 12: The fake honeymoon 2

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I watched him turn the door knob then pushed the door open before stepping into the room. I stood for a moment out for moment, still a bit annoyed at the fact he raised his voice earlier. All I did was suggest we help someone who was in need of it. Saying he wouldn't isn't quite hard. There was no need to raise his voice.

"Would you rather spend the night out there?" His question brought my attention back to him.

There he stood in the middle of the room, both hands tucked away into the pocket of his trouser, looking as cool and calm as ever. It made me more infuriated that I couldn't help glaring at him loathly for a few seconds before taking careful steps into the room and only stopped in front of him.

For a few moments in front of him, I stared into his unshaken eyes and eventually narrowed my gaze. As if giving up, I turned away, walking past him.

"So, is this the room we'll be sharing?" I questioned as I lightly ran my hand on the already laid bed.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're staying here alone." His reply felt cold though I hadn't met his eyes yet.

In that moment as I stood straight, I realised something very important. This could be a regular routine between the both of us, conversing like kids. That was not really a life I saw for myself, bickering with my husband at every little thing. Though our marriage seems nothing but a farce, I still felt it needed even just a little respect.

"Fine." I replied in one swift turn to him.

"Goodnight then Mr. Norman." I added alongside a light hand wave and simple smile.

His brows barely narrowed for a brief moment and was quick to disappear before he turned away. I watched as he hesitated for a second then eventually walked away.

I let out a loud sigh before slumping on the bed. In less than a minute, I lightly yawned as I felt all the stress of the day weigh on me once more. Lying there, thinking of nothing in particular and staring into space, my eyes slowly shut as sleep took over.

I turned and turned then eventually, my eyes fluttered open. Sitting up, I stretched out my arms at the same time. There was a growl and placed a hand on my stomach, the expression on my face changed.

"I'm hungry." I confessed. That fact alone had woken me up. Gathering enough energy, I made my way off the bed and towards the door.

"Ouch." I let out as my feet bumped into something. Looking down, I realised it was my luggage. Derick must have brought it in while I slept. It made me wonder just how long I'd slept. Either way, I felt less tired but hungrier. Back at the wedding, I'd barely put anything into my mouth and now, the consequences were here.

I continued on my path out of the room and only when I got to the end of the hall did I realise I might have gone the wrong way. I should have paid more attention earlier when Blayze lead the way to the room. Making a turn, I took another route and eventually found the stairs.

Carefully, I made my way down. There was no sighting of even a single soul. Sure, it's possible everyone has retired to bed. It's just like back home when I'd come home late, sleep off without even undressing and during the hour of silence, I'd wake up in search of food only to head out to the kitchen and stuff myself all alone in the darkness.

The memory brought a smile to my face. At least it's not all gone. There is a memory that replicates this moment. Now, to find the kitchen.

I looked left and right. Two paths, which of them would lead to the kitchen? I wondered. In the end, I chose the right path. Strolling down and down, walking into every turn, finally, I walked into the kitchen.

"Found it." I cheered happily. The light, I have to find the switch to turn it on and so placing a hand on the wall, I rubbed through and finally, came across it. Nothing gave me greater joy as I switched it on.

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