Chapter 28: Nightmare and a fever.

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The little boy stepped onto the board in nothing but his swimming trunk. His hands by his sides quivered a little but it was nothing compared to the deep fear he felt while staring at the body of water beneath him.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" A masculine voice questioned from the side and slowly, the young boy turned his head to the man. His face squeezed in fear as his eyes got teary.

"I don't want to. Please dad, I'm scared." He pleaded but the man only let out a sigh after a moment of staring at his son. Suddenly, he took a few steps closer.

"A man needs to learn to face his fears. How are you going to run our family businesses if you're scared of something as little as water? Go on. Jump."

The young boy's hands only quivered some more as his eyes pleaded for mercy regardless of the tears that flooded them. He was forced to return his gaze to the water beneath him. The longer he stared at it, the deeper it seemed. He only feared of getting lost in it so he didn't want to go in.

"Jump Blayze!"


Letting out a deep sigh, I brought my hand to his door and placed a few knocks.

"Blayze. I said I'm sorry. Can you at least open the door so I know you've forgiven me?" I requested and waited patiently for any reply from him but nothing came through once more.

In the end, I turned away. Why on earth is he being like this? Last night, I pleaded for so long in front of his door but he said nothing and now, this morning, he's not coming out either. Is it normal of him to miss work? He really seemed like a workaholic.

"Fine. Whatever. Sulk as long and as much as you want. I really don't care." I let out in frustration before storming away without looking back.

I got dressed and ready to leave the house so I made my way out of the room, down the stairs. Once I got into the car and started the engine, for some reason, a memory from last night flashed across my mind.

Stay away.

I recalled his words and the look he had. He was clearly in a bad shape but why stay away instead of help me.

In frustration, I threw my head in my palms and in that way, I stayed for a while.

Suddenly, I rose my head, nodding in accordance.

"Fine. I'll give in this time. I do have a conscience after all." Having said that, I stepped down from the car and made my way back into the house.

All day, I lurked around his room for any sound or by chance, he could step out but, in the end, I got nothing.

Lying on my back in my room staring at the ceiling, suddenly, I had a thought and sat up at once. What if he's unconscious in there? That's enough reason to not have shown up all day. It's night and yet, nothing from him. He could have at least stepped out for a glass of water.

Quickly, I got up, rushed out of the room and went in search of any of the helpers. I demanded for an extra key to Blayze's room and I was given one. Without wasting a second more, I unlocked his door and pushed it open.

The room was dark so I searched for the switch on the wall. Once found, I put on the lights only to turn and find him laid on the bed, his duvet over him. As I drew closer, I noticed trickles of sweat rolling down his forehead. Though his eyes were shut, his head slight moved, his lips quivered a bit as well. It would seem he was having a nightmare.

"Blayze." I called as I drew closer, placing hand on his forehead only to quickly retract it. Right away, I laid a hand on his forehead.

He has a high temperature! Is it fever?

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