Chapter 54: More than a fling.

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The thought of getting on his back made me a little flustered.

"You don't need to carry me. It's just a cramp. I'll feel better in a little while." I defended, hoping he would back down but he did the opposite.

"Just get on Caden." He urged in a much stronger tone and without looking back at me.

Although reluctant, I also felt there was no need to push his buttons. I should just go with the flow so I did. Carefully, I got on his back and my heart began thumping at being this close to him. I could only hope that I do not faint from the excitement of it.

I felt even weirder when his hands grasped onto my thighs as he stood to his feet and I wrapped my arms around his neck, our heads touching. I could feel my cheeks hitting up and I could be only grateful for the fact that he couldn't see me right now.

"You're heavier than you look." He stated as he began his walk back towards our home.

"What... I... I'm not." My words came out shaky regardless of my desire to defend myself. Honestly, I couldn't be blamed. It's a miracle I could talk in this state.

Perhaps, my hearing seemed uneven as well because I think I heard him let out a chuckle for a second. Yet, I couldn't ask him if he did that.

For a few seconds, there was silence as he walked on and I felt peaceful behind him, loving and cherishing every bit of this moment.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I simply had to ask. I felt this could be my last chance of getting the truth out of him.

For what seemed like a while, he was silent and a part of me was starting to give up on getting any answer from him.

"Perhaps, did I do something that made you feel uncomfortable? Or maybe, I shouldn't have told you how I felt. I was selfish enough to think about only my piece of mind. I didn't think much about yours."

"You weren't being selfish. You were brave enough to tell the truth and that's what makes you better than me." He commented and though it sounded like a compliment, I felt there was more to it so I listened patiently.

"Caden... you might feel this way now but, you'll feel differently in a few weeks or in a month's time. People's feelings change all the time."

I couldn't help it as a light frown surfaced between my brows.

"Do you honestly believe that my feelings for you is nothing but a fling?" I queried and waited but no reply on his part came through.

Mentally, I let out a scoff. I can't believe this man.

"Fine. It's not wrong of you to assume that way but I know my heart and I've never felt this way before. I've never missed anyone the way I do with you whenever you're not around. I've never felt my heart race as fast as it does just by being by your side. I... I don't believe what I feel for you is a fling and I'm going to stay as long as I can by your side... till you believe me."

As he drew to a stop, gradually and softly, I tightened my grip around his neck for a hug. If only I could express better in words exactly how I felt, to make him understand I wasn't kidding.

Without uttering a word, he continued walking on.


That night, I couldn't take my eyes off her as I watched her sleeping quite soundly. Caden was really not afraid to say what was on her mind. That was admiring about her and it also made pretending what I feel for her isn't there much harder for me to do.

I know. I'm a stupid idiot who can't admit his feelings just because of the fear of being abandoned once again.

I found myself desiring to get over my insecurities and tell her the truth. I wished more than anything to make her happy. Her happiness mattered to me the most.


I walked into the closet and met Blayze taking off a few shirts from where they've been hung and into the small suitcase laying on the floor.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked as I looked from the suitcase and up to him.

He let out a sigh before meeting my eyes.

"Yes." He replied as he continued what he was doing. I waited for an explanation to follow but it didn't seem to be coming.



"And you were going to tell me when?" I queried as my annoyance grew. I watched as he stopped, barely looking up to me.

"Last night but I guess I forgot."

"You forgot?" I repeated as I folded my arms below my chest.

"Fine. I'll accept you forgot... How long are you going to be gone?"

"About a week."

"A week!?" I couldn't' help exclaiming in surprise. That was seven days. Seven long days of me not having to see him at all.

The look in his eyes and on his face detailed the surprise he was presently in at my sudden reaction. Damn it! Did I just seem needy? I'd told myself I wasn't going to make him uncomfortable by excessively showing affection when I know there's a possibility that he wasn't feeling anything special for me.

I retracted the vexed slash surprise expression on my face and unfolded my arms as I looked away from him.

"Well, although you didn't let me know on time, the fact is business is business so... I can drop you off at the airport."

"You don't have to do that. My flight is at noon and I'm leaving for the office first, I'll head to the airport from there."

I opened my mouth to counter his choice of decisions but... one look at his face and I felt there was no point in all that. He had made up his mind and apparently, my opinion or how all of this would affect me didn't matter.

Shutting my mouth, I rolled my lips in for a second.

"Fine. I wish you safe journey." As I said that, I tried to match his eyes and steady a simple smile but in my opinion, it rather seemed obvious I wasn't too excited. Nevertheless, I turned away afterwards and walked away.

It was a week. A week and he'll be back.


One look at the time and my heart felt even heavier. Three hours. That was all the time I have left to my departure time. I recalled my earlier conversation with Caden. Was I too harsh? I answered her questions right but she didn't seem okay in the end.

A week. Suddenly, it sounded like forever. A long time I was going to go without seeing her face. The thought of that single fact made my heart restless.

I picked up my phone off the table. Do I call her? But what would I say? What would be my excuse? Do I tell her the truth about how I truly feel?

I shook my head a bit violently. What's wrong with me? I can't seem to decide what my plan is. Regardless, I just need to hear her voice so without thinking further, I redialled her number and brought it close to my ear.


"Oh hello Blayze." A voice that wasn't Caden's came through. I couldn't help the light crease that formed between my brows.

"Who is this?"

"Mia. This is Mia, Caden's best friend. Caden stepped out for a while and forgot her phone with me."

"Oh." Was all I could say as disappointment washed over me.

"Where did she go? Will she be back anytime soon?"

"Um, I'm not too sure but she said something about heading out to Café Delight to meet a long-time admirer. Whatever that really means."

"Admirer?" I repeated and instantly got a flashback from the day a strange bouquet was delivered. Could it... did she really go to meet a stranger?

Gradually, I felt my hand fold into a tight fist, my nails digging into my palms. I felt enraged.              

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