Chapter 48: Flowers from a stranger.

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"Is that a smile?" The question rolled out as soon as I spotted the barely visible upward arc his lips made.

Once he looked up to me, the smile was gone but that didn't change the fact that it was there for the first time. He had a pretty smile and I was finding out for the first time. A smile of my own played on my face as I sat down once more.

His gaze was back on the cereal in the bowl. Guilt washed over me.

"I'm sorry you have to settle for that. I should have made mention that I'm a bad cook."

His expression was unclear.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to. I can have her prepare something..." My words trailed away as I watched him pick up the carton of milk and poured some unto the cereal, using the spoon, he scooped and into his mouth it went.

Gradually, the smile on my face broadened. I watched quietly as he kept on eating and my smile never varnished.

* * *

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around and stood in front of the mirror. I wiped away the humid air that settled on its surface till my reflection was visible. For a moment, I simply stared and was only reminded of the best scene of today. He ate without complain. I smiled at the fondness of the memory.

For some reason, he seemed like an entirely different man. Though he has barely said a word, his attitude seemed nicer. He was less of an arrogant jerk. I wasn't quite curious as to why the sudden change, I just felt grateful to see this side of him and wished it could last forever.


Holding the phone close to my ear, I listened as my secretary spoke. I had to call in sick, something I'd never done before. My gaze shifted from nowhere in particular and only stopped when it rested on Caden glancing through the book shelf. Once her eyes caught something, she would stop for a moment and give it a closer look then she would resume her strolling once more.

I let out a light sigh. She was being very stubborn about leaving me on my own, something about taking responsibility for her actions. I itched more than ever to let her know none of this was her fault but I couldn't get the words out. I couldn't say the needed.

Lowering my gaze, I gave my final reply. "Okay, you can bring them over. I'll have a look at them."

"Yes sir." Her reply came right after and then I disconnected the call.

Once I raised my eyes, she suddenly popped up and I almost jumped back from surprise.

Wearing a wide smile on her face. "I know what we should do today." She proclaimed.

I forced myself to look away from her face. "I'm busy." I stated as I limped my way past her.

"Busy?" I heard her question.

"You're on a sick leave. Let's say you're on a little holiday. You don't have to bury yourself in working."

I took my seat without meeting her face. I began by organising the table. She slammed her hands on the table, right in front of me.

"Let's watching a movie." She suggested as I looked up to her. Her eyes held excitement and anticipated my reply. My heart tugged at the thought of disappointing her but my sense of reasoning felt it would be safer to disappoint her so I lowered my eyes, pushing her hands off the table.

"No." I proclaimed as I continued with what I'd been doing. I listened but nothing came from her, not even a word. Soon, there was a sigh and a strange disappointment filled me. She gave in too quick. It wasn't like her. Hell, I wasn't expecting an early surrender.

Ask once more. Just one more time.

I found myself pleading but nothing came through. Gradually, I raised my eyes and met her staring elsewhere, her gaze random but not on me. Should I say something?

I opened my mouth but nothing came through, the words felt stuck in my throat. I tried again, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Our attentions shifted to it.

"Come in." I replied and, in a few seconds, one of the maids walked in with a bouquet of lavender flowers in her hands.

"This came in for you Mrs Norman."

"Me?" Caden asked with surprise laced in her words and expression as she collected the bouquet.

"Who left them?"

"It was delivered. I believe there's a note." She added pointing to the small folded paper that stuck in between the flowers.

Soon the maid was on her way out of the office. I watched as Caden took out the note, read and eventually, she had a smile on her face. That only forced a light crease between my brows and I worried as to what information the small paper held.

Caden looked my side and though I tried to seem casual and uninterested in what was going on, I realized it was a lot harder than I'd presumed.

"It would seem I have an admirer although I don't know how that's possible, oh well, I've got to keep these fresh as long as I can. They're really pretty, aren't they?" Having expressed alongside her smile, she was soon on her way out of the study room.


I didn't like the sound of that one bit. Who could that be?


I smiled once more, happy with how beautiful the flowers looked in a vase. The thought of having an admirer didn't quite settle with me but at the same time, it felt nice to be seen in a different perspective. Who could it be?

I wasn't acquaintance with a lot of people. Mia was my only close friend and partner at work. Perhaps, it was simply a random person or maybe it was sent to the wrong address by mistake. Nevertheless, looking at them made me smile.

"So pretty."

There was an alert and I took a glance at my mobile phone. A message from an unknown number. I clicked and read.

This is Leslie.

Last night was strange, right? I believe we have a lot to discuss.

Interested in clearing up your curiosities, let's meet now at the Delight café.

As I looked up away from my phone, my smile was gone and now replaced with a frown.

You don't have to meet her.

My subconscious reminded but at the same time, my curiosity tugged at my resolution. There has to be something more between Blayze and her. He definitely won't tell me but she was ready to let it all out. The problem now is... Do I really want to hear it?

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