Chapter Nineteen- Telly

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It had been a few hours since Mason had left and I was sitting in bed watching Netflix when my phone buzzed. I quickly unlocked my phone to see a text from Mason.

Mason: hey "girlfriend"

Me: hey "boyfriend"

Mason: what're you up to?

Me: watching Netflix, you?

Mason: texting a beautiful girl ;)

Me: awe

Mason: I was talking about Lily...

Me: oh you ass, wait who is Lily?

Mason: calm tf down I'm joking

Me: oh, still that wasn't funny

Mason: somebody got jealous

Me: I did not, I was just wondering who she was

Mason: okay whatever you say telly

Me: telly?

Mason: yeah, telly, jelly+tessa=telly

Me: I'm not telly!

Mason: too late, I changed you contact name already. :)

Telly: ugh I hate you.

Mason: you know you love me telly

Telly: hate you

Mason: love me

Telly: hate you

Mason: love me

Telly: love you

Mason: hate you

Telly: HA! I got you

Mason: sneaky little brat

Telly: hehe true that

Mason: let's play a game

Telly: what kind of game?

Mason: lets play would you rather

Telly: whatever

Mason: would you rather have sex with me or Noah?

Telly: you're disgusting, and Noah because he isn't a cocky dick

Mason: I take offense to that

Telly: good :)

Telly: would you rather have me beat or burn you to death?

Mason: beat cause at least you'd spank me ;)

Telly: you're so disgusting.

Mason: but you love me anyway

Telly: whatever

Mason: you didn't deny it! I win!

Telly: win what?

Mason: the bet

Telly: what bet?

Mason: the bet you and I made at my party. whoever falls for each other first loses, and it looks like you fell. :)

Telly: we NEVER made that bet, and if we would I'd win, because no matter what charm you use on me (not that you have any) I'd still win.

Mason: you're charm wouldn't work on me either

Telly: sure it wouldn't

Mason: it wouldn't. and I'm going to prove it.

Telly: and how are you going to do that?

Mason: by making the bet right now. whoever falls for the other person first loses. we can tease each other as much as we want, but if the other person falls, then they lose. deal?

Telly: okay deal

Mason: well goodnight telly dream about me

Telly: goodnight Mason

I turn off my phone and set it on my nightstand, before turning off all my lights. I laid in bed for a few minutes just thinking about Mason and I's conversation. My last thought before I drifted asleep was ' I can't fall for him, I have to win this bet. I can't get hurt again.'

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