Chapter Thirteen- Like You Could Knock Me Out

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"Tessa..." I hear a voice call.

"Tessa..." The voice says again.

"TESSA" I hear and jump out of bed.

"Fuck!" I say as I hit my elbow against the bedstand.

Whoever woke me up from my peaceful slumber better have a good explanation!

I glare as I look up to see Griffin staring down at me with a shy smile.

"Sorry?" He questions.

"Why did you wake me up? I still had... " I pause as I check the clock. " I still had forty two minutes to sleep yet!" I shout.

"Sorry! I just wanted to say goodbye!" He chuckles.

"Oh yeah, you're leaving today. Do you have to leave?" I whine. Even though he woke me up I'll still miss him.

" Yes I do. I have another press conference back here in a few weeks, so I'll see you then." He smiles pulling me into a hug.

"Okay that will work." I laugh.

After saying my goodbyes to Griffin I decide to go for a jog since I have time. I really need to stop slacking off considering that this weekend is a tournament. This weekend I have another tournament and I need to win badly since it's good pay. So I decide to run a mile and then head back home to get ready.

Finally an hour later I'm in the kitchen making breakfast when the Hailey comes downstairs. She doesn't say anything and just grabs a plate and then puts some eggs and a pancake on her plate. May I add she keeps her head down the whole time.

"Hey you okay?" I ask worried.

She nods still keeping her head down. But I'm not convinced.

"Hey look at me." I says as I walk over to her and crouch beside her.

When she looks up at me I gasp. Hailey has a cut above her eye and a bruise on her cheek.

"What the hell happened?" I say my voice raising.

Hailey doesn't say anything she just breaks down to tears and I pull her into a hug. After she finally calms down I ask her who did this to her.

Hailey takes in a deep breath and sighs but finally answers my question. "Owen." She says and tears begin to form in her eyes again. " H-he hit me. He got into a fight with me because he doesn't w-want me to be friends with Tayte. He thinks that T-Tayte likes me." She stutters out before crying again. As I shh her there's a pound on the door. As I stand up the pounding continues.

"Who is it?" I yell.

The pounding just gets louder and keeps going ignoring my question. Finally I'd had enough and march over to the door. When I swing the door open there he is, Owen.

He doesn't say a word and just pushed past me but I grab his arm restraining him from going anywhere near Hailey.

"Get the hell out. Now." I sneer, as anger surges through my body. Thinking about what he did to Hailey.

"No. Now let go before I make you." Owen sneers back.

"Get out Owen. And if you don't I will knock you out so fast you won't even see it coming." I say as he pushes my buttons.

Owen snorts when he hears this. "Like you could knock me out."

" Owen don't just leave you don't want to mess with Tessa." Hailey screams coming into the room, knowing that I could knock him out with one punch.

" No. Now get off me you little bitch and let me talk to my girlfriend." Owen said causing me to snap.

I jabbed Owen right in the jaw then elbowed him in the stomach. There was a scream from Hailey as I did this and then a thud as Owen hit the ground. Hailey raced over to me and then bent down beside him. She started shaking and I bent down to apologize when I realized she wasn't crying, she was laughing. Hailey fell backward and was laughing so hard there were tears streaming from her eyes. I just gave her a blank stare as she did this but eventually calmed down.

"Thank you Tessa." She said pulling me into a hug.

I chuckled slightly and hugged her back.

"Hold on" I mumbled as I took out my phone and dialed for some assistance.

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-Bayleigh :)

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