With Him Again...

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Hey thar! XD
Just so you know, You could play the song anytime.. Also, He's one of my favorite YouTubers! Kyaaaa!!! XD... Enjoy! X3
Thank you for those who helped me! ;)

---Randy's POV---
I was walking towards the contest venue with Howard and Heidi to sign our names up with our instruments.. Apparently we were the last ones to sign our names.. We were called "RaWieDi".. Its pretty corny but I'll take my chances. Howard said it was a shoobtastic name, But Heidi signed our names already. The host said that we could either practice our song or stroll around the mall as long as were back here by 5:55 pm. What did we agreed on?.. Strolling around the mall. As we were leaving the venue..
"Hey, isn't that (Y/n)...?" Heidi suddenly said as she pointed at a coffee shop, a little bit shocked though. I looked and did the same thing cause...


I-Its not like she could hug someone again.. I mean she's not my girlfriend anymore...



Then again.. I'm not one those jealous types... or am I?
"Oooh... Look at that dude.. He looks so bruce..." Heidi said as she daydreamed about that (Y/n)-steal-er.. Wait what did I just said!? 0.0
Howard looked and he was shocked too... Then he patted my back again...
"Bud, Do you still want to sing the song?.. Cause it looks like someone's stealing your girl and I think you're no match for that dude cause it seems like they're really enjoying that hug.." He said while giving me a pity look...
"This will be a cheesy scoop!.. Andy jealous of.. of... Who is that anyway?" Heidi suddenly asked us.. We said we've never seen him before..
Then again, THAT'S NOT MY NAME!.. Hey, thats not my name.. haha!.. She could actually report this and people wont know who the juice is Andy!.. I smirked a bit and tried to hide it from Heidi..
"I'm going to investigate this.. It will be the cheesiest scoop!" She continued and walked to the coffee shop...
"Well good luck with that! I'm going to the Game hole!.. C'mon Howard, My treat! " is what I wanted to say but...
"Wait for me!" Is what I actually said.. We left Howard alone but then he suddenly wants to join in, because he didn't want to be left alone.
So there we were... of to a dangerous mission to find out who the juice is this dude. We ducked our heads while I pulled out my hood up and we sat the corner not to close to (Y/n)'s table. We ordered some coffee just to stay here and not to get kicked out just because were spying on some dude..
"Hey, Sis! Its your treat right?.. I'm going to order some more!" Howard said as he grabs another menu. Heidi just got annoyed and told him to keep quiet...
"I can't hear them!" She said.. But as we look at them... We were all shocked cause for the first time, in a long time...
(Y/n) smiled...
Our eyes widened and we have our jaws dropped.. But then Howard suddenly smirked at me...
"What?" I said asking him.. Is there something on my face..?
"You're jealous.." He said as he continued to smirk. Heidi suddenly looked at me and it looks like she knows that I'm jealous..
"I am not jealous! I'm just wishing that I should be the one making her smile..." I said pouting my lips.. But then I suddenly stopped that cause.. Now.. They're both smirking...
I'm acting like a jealous shoob here... There, I admit it..
I'm honkin jealous of that dude...

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was enjoying my small talk with... (Y/c).. ( "I didn't know you were still aIive said as I kept a strong face but on the inside I was really crying... He chuckled a bit..
"Neither did I.. I thought you were gonna end it though..." He said as he made a joke out of it.. I tried to smile but, It didn't work out though.. Then my order came...
"Here's your muffin, And an Espresso... Enjoy!" The waitress said as she walked away with a smile.. I blew the espresso a bit and took a sip of it with my two hand holding it... and it was pretty good... I hummed in delight..
"Wow, This is bruce.." I said with a smile and taking another sip..
"What did you just say?.. Bruce? Who's bruce?!" He said with his eyes full of surprise..I laughed a bit, and explained why I'm talking like this...
"So.. it means.. Awesome?" He said kinda like a question more than an answer.. I nodded.
"Let me get a sip!" (Y/c) said as he reached from the other side and tried to snatch it from my hands...
"No way! Buy your own dude!" I said as I kept it away from him.. But then he grab it..
We froze and we turned red...
Because while I was holding the Espresso.. (Yes, even though it was hot..) .. His hand cling onto mine...So, it was like we were holding hands or something like that.. I blushed a bit and looked at him, but he did the same thing too.. (Y/c) blushed red and looked into my eyes. And we were in trance or something. like that for about a minute or so... until...
"OH! C'MON!" Someone suddenly shouted not to far from here... It made us snapped out of the trance and it went to totally awkward.. I looked around to see who made that noise...
But, I didn't notice anyone cause...
"So tell me, How's the Assassin thing going?" He said as if trying to make me forget what just happened.. I shrugged a bit though...
"Uh.. Its good, its good... and by that I mean... Bad.." I said smiling it off... He held up a confused face and asked why.
"Well, that's because..." I trailed off and told him that I was here to kill the Ninja and some cheesy stuff.. How we became a thing and then broke up recently...
"Whoa... that's some life you got there..." He let out a sigh...
"Y-yeah..." I said slouching at my seat.. I took a bite of the muffin and It kinda made me feel better about my life...
"Heh, I remembered my last bday.. You still remember that muffin you gave me right?" I said smiling and laughed.. When he saw me laugh, He smiled.

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