28. The Unexpected!

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As tensions escalated in the Raizada Mansion, accusations flew like arrows in the heated exchange between Arnav and the others.

Nani: (sternly) Khushi can never be a suitable match for this family, Arnav. She's an orphan, her background is questionable, and look at her, dressed in those modern clothes. She can never uphold the traditions of the Raizada household.

Anjali, her eyes alight with a glimmer of satisfaction, added fuel to the fire.

Anjali: (smirking) Yes, Nani is right. Arnav, we must consider the future of the family. It's time we find you a suitable match, someone who can truly fit into our way of life. I'll call Pandit ji tomorrow and ask him to find goodmatches for you. You must marry soon, Arnav. As for Khushi, she will never set foot in this house as your wife.

Arnav's fists clenched in anger as he struggled to contain his rage. The weight of their accusations bore down on him like a crushing burden, but deep down, he knew Khushi was innocent.

Arnav: (voice seething with anger) How dare you? Khushi's character is beyond reproach. She may not fit your narrow-minded definition of a suitable match, but she has more integrity and honor than anyone in this house!

Nani's stern expression faltered momentarily, but she quickly composed herself, unwilling to concede.

Nani: (firmly) Arnav, you're letting your emotions cloud your judgment. Think about the family's reputation, about our traditions.

Arnav's resolve hardened as he stood his ground, refusing to entertain their baseless accusations any longer.

Arnav: (defiantly) I don't care about your reputation or traditions if it means sacrificing the woman I love. I won't let you tarnish Khushi's name any further.

With those words, Arnav stormed out of the house, his mind consumed by a singular purpose: to find Khushi and assure her of his unwavering support.

Meanwhile, Anjali, though pleased with the turn of events, concealed her satisfaction behind a facade of concern, silently plotting her next move in the twisted game of manipulation and deceit.

As Arnav stormed out of the Raizada Mansion, his mind churned with a turbulent mix of anger, frustration, and disbelief. How could they doubt Khushi, he wondered, his heart aching at the thought of her being falsely accused. Without a second thought, he got into his car and drove, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the familiar streets.

Meanwhile, Khushi, unaware of the unfolding drama, was at home, her mind occupied with thoughts of Arnav. As she heard the doorbell ring, she hurried to answer it, only to be met with the sight of Arnav, his expression clouded with stormy emotions.

Khushi: (concerned) Arnavji, what happened? Why do you look so upset?

Arnav's eyes searched Khushi's face, seeking solace in her unwavering gaze.

Arnav: (frustrated) Khushi, they... they doubted you. They accused you of something you would never do.

Khushi's heart sank at Arnav's words, but she remained steadfast in her support for him.

Khushi: (softly) Arnavji, you know me. You know I would never betray your trust.

Arnav's anger began to subside in the warmth of Khushi's reassurance, and a sudden thought crossed his mind.

Arnav: (suddenly) Khushi, will you marry me?

Khushi's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected proposal, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions.

Khushi: (stammering) Arnavji, I... Of course, buddhu. I'm always yours, and yours alone. You don't need to doubt that for a moment.

Arnav's tense features softened into a relieved smile as he enveloped Khushi in a comforting embrace, his heart swelling with gratitude for her unwavering support.

Arnav: (whispering) Thank you, Khushi. Thank you for always being by my side.

Khushi: (gently) Always, Arnavji. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Remember, cookie is always of her Aru only.

As they stood together in the embrace of their love, the tumultuous events of the evening faded into the background, replaced by the enduring strength of their bond.

Arnav: Khushi, I can't wait any longer. I want to make you mine, officially. Will you marry me, right here, right now?

Khushi: (eyes widening in surprise) Arnavji, but why? Is everything okay?

Arnav: (desperately) I need you, Khushi. I need you by my side, now and forever. Please say yes.

Khushi stood there, speechless, her heart pounding with a mixture of emotions.

Heya Buddies!!!
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