21. Payal & Akash ?

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Khushi, with her usual flair, helped Payal select a beautiful light saree and complementing jhumkas. Payal's face lit up with satisfaction at the reflection in the mirror.

Garima, noticing Khushi's knack for fashion, approached her.

Garima: Khushi, beta, you always have a good sense of style. Can you make sure Payal looks her best?

Khushi nodded with a smile, taking charge of Payal's makeover. As they prepared, Khushi inquired about the visiting family.

Khushi: Payal, who are these people? How did this alliance come about?

Payal: (smiling) We met them at the temple, and later they approached Mumma about the alliance.

Khushi: (nodding) Interesting. Let's make sure everything goes well.

After making Payal ready, Khushi headed to the kitchen, where Bua Ji was preparing snacks.

Bua Ji: Khushi, put those jalebis in a nice plate. We want everything to be perfect.

Khushi enthusiastically assisted in the kitchen before moving to the living room, where she added a few decorative touches to enhance the ambiance.

As the clock ticked, everyone changed into fresh attires, anticipating the guests' arrival. Just as Khushi was about to retreat to her room, the doorbell rang.

Garima opened the door with a warm smile.

Garima: Welcome! Please come in.

The Raizada family entered, and the families exchanged greetings.

Khushi entered the living room with a tray of beverages when she was shocked to see the occupants and whispers 'Arnav'.

Arnav also looked at her while Akash being a grumpy boy was pulling Arnav's sleeves as a little kid.

Akash on not getting desired response looked at  Arnav's line of sight and was shocked as well and grinned forgetting his own plight...

Akash couldn't contain his excitement as he looked at Khushi and exclaimed, "Bhabhi!" The room fell into a stunned silence, and Khushi blushed, caught off guard by the unexpected declaration.

Manorama, with her usual flair, broke the silence in her vibrant style.

Manorama: (loudly) Helloo hi bye bye! We came for one bahu and got another bahu.

Laughter echoed, but on the other side, the Guptas, Anjali, and Nani wore expressions of confusion and slight anger. Anjali, maintaining her composure, sweetly approached Akash.

Anjali: (smiling) Akash, darling, what are you saying? Why don't you explain to us?

Akash, realizing the potential misunderstanding, took a deep breath before clarifying his statement.

Akash: (grinning) I was just teasing, Di. Khushi isn't officially my bhabhi... yet.

Khushi giggled nervously, and the tension in the room eased. Manorama seized the moment to add a touch of humor.

Manorama: (winking & enthusiastically) Well, who knows what the future holds? Khushi, my dear, you're even prettier than Arnav described. I'm thrilled to meet you, and consider yourself officially acknowledged as my bahu! Okay Akash! It won't be long that my Arnav would get married. She said a bit emotionally and steps forward to hug Khushi.

Khushi hugs Manorma and then is taken in a side hug by Akash- Hi Bhabhi!! He teased.

Arnav: Nani, Di, I want you to meet Khushi.

Nani: (nodding) Khushi, dear, it's nice to meet you.

Anjali: (forcing a smile) Hello, Khushi.

Arnav: (enthusiastically) Khushi and I have known each other for a while now, and we've decided to take our relationship to the next level. I hope you will bless me and our relation.

Nani and Anjali forgot how to react. But slowly nodded.

Nani: (skeptical) We need to get to know her better. Let's not rush.

Khushi holds Arnav's hand.

Arnav: I hope you'll give her a chance. I care about both of you, but Khushi is also my family.
Anyways let's just proceed with what we came for.

On the other side, Guptas were gobsmacked knowing that Khushi has a boyfriend and that too a rich one and she did not tell them. Also, the same family has come for their younger Son's alliance for Payal.

Anjali, regaining her composure, turned to Garima.

Anjali: Garima ji, could you please bring Payal? We're eager to meet her.

Garima nodded and left to fetch Payal. As Payal entered the room, the atmosphere shifted towards a more formal setting.

Anjali: Payal, dear, it's nice to have you with us.

Payal: Thank you, Anjaliji.

Anjali and others began asking Payal various questions, steering the conversation towards getting to know her better. Payal responded in a soft, submissive voice, aiming to make a positive impression.

Anjali, observing Payal's demeanor, felt a sense of control.

Anjali: (to herself) This is awesome, and she seems so easy to manage.

As the conversation continued, Akash identified Payal's role in the company.

Akash: (realizing) Payal, you work in the designing department?

Payal: (softly) Yes, Akashji. I work under you.

Akash, not entirely thrilled with the revelation, listened quietly.

The conversation continued, with Anjali skillfully directing questions to highlight Payal's positive qualities. The Guptas, in turn, emphasized the virtues of family, creating a favorable impression for Payal in Manorma's eyes.

Akash, feeling a bit uneasy, finally decided to address his concerns.

Akash: Can I have some time alone?

Anjali agreed. As Akash stepped aside, he sought support from Arnav and Khushi.

Akash: I'm not sure about this, Bhai. Payal is nice, but I need time to figure things out.

Arnav: (supportive) Take the time you need, Akash. It's an important decision. We're here for you.

Khushi: (encouraging) Relationships take time, Akash. We're rooting for both of you but there is no rush.

Observing Akash's internal struggle, Arnav took a decisive step to ease the situation.

Arnav: Nani, I think we should give both families some time to reflect on everything before making any decisions.

Nani, initially hesitant, eventually agreed, realizing the importance of allowing the families to process the unfolding events.

Nani: Alright, Arnav. We'll wait.

With that, the families concluded their meeting. However, before leaving, Manorama extended a warm invitation to Khushi.

Manorama: Khushi, beta, why don't you come to Raizada Mansion tomorrow? Spend some time with us. We'd love to get to know you better.

Khushi, surprised but appreciative, agreed to the invitation. The families parted ways, leaving behind a mix of anticipation and contemplation for the future.

As the Raizadas left, the Gupta family couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Garima and Bua Ji exchanged questioning glances, wondering about the unexpected connection between Khushi and Arnav.

Garima: (curious) Khushi, beta, how do you know Arnav?

Khushi hesitated for a moment, considering how to explain the intricate details of their connection.

Khushi: Well, we've known each other for some time now. We met through work, I work under him.

Bua Ji: (skeptical) Work? Isn't he the boss?

Khushi, realizing the need for honesty, decided to share a bit more.

Khushi: We had a professional relationship, and then, we become friends too. And we decided to go ahead with our relation..

The Guptas, though still curious, accepted Khushi's explanation. Also, because of the visit, they were still bothered about Akash's answer.

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