Chapter 59

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June 10th 2023

Today was graduation day. Their last time being in highschool. Their first time stepping on their own. It has been many emotional moments on this special day.

Events like this always bothered Bryson, especially since his mother died. She would always attend every event that had to do with Bryson, big or small, it didn't matter she was always there.

However his father had only been to two major events. Bryson's birth and his elementary school graduation. Both events happened several years ago. Bryson was used to his father not being there, that's one of the reasons why they never really had a relationship.

"Oh my youngest grandson—I'm so happy you invited me to your graduation, I couldn't be more proud of you" his grandmother uttered.

"Thanks grandma" he muttered as he laced up his shoes.

"Your other would've been so proud of seeing how you turned out"


"I heard you moved away from your father"


"Why didn't you come stay with me, you know I wouldn't have a problem baby, I enjoy your company always" his grandmother stated.

Bryson often felt guilty about not being around his grandmother and not calling her enough. He knew that she was the only actual family he has and he couldn't just ignore that.

"I already knew how to be on my own, so it wasn't a big deal—I needed to do this on my own" he explained.

"Look at my grandson, he's not a little boy anymore—he's a man, I can't take it lord" she said making him chuckle.

"I got somebody fa' you to meet" he smiled thinking of his girlfriend.

"Ut oh, I know that smile, that's the "in love" smile—is my grandbaby in love?"

"Yea, you gon' meet her today"

"Good—i wanna see the girl who's making my baby light up like this"

"But go on and finish getting ready, we can't be late na'" his grandmother shooed him away.


"Are you sure you don't want to go to graduation hija—you're still eligible" Carmen spoke to her daughter.

Bianca sighed, "mom I can't, I'm getting bigger and people will notice that I'm pregnant and I just can't"

"So you run off with some thug boy, get pregnant and drop out of school" Terrance said angrily, "Bianca what the hell are you thinking!"

"This is why I didn't want to tell you dad—because you blow up about everything. All of my life decisions I make, you question"

"Because the choices you make are stupid and reckless! You don't think before you do, you just do!"

"Sure maybe some of my choices are stupid but you don't have to bash me every step of the way—god it's like a constant battle with you—its like nothing I do is good enough for you"

"Bianca, Terrance, calm down—you've both made mistakes—we've all made mistakes but please, this is not helping" Carmen explained.

"Just admit you hate me dad—trust me the feeling is mutual" Bianca says lowly making Carmen slap her cheek.

"Mamí!?!!" Bianca yelled at the same time with her father.

"Carmen!??!!" Terrance yelled at the same time as Bianca.

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