Chapter 15

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November 15th 2022

I yawn as I bag up the old man's groceries.  I've been working back to back to back since Saturday.

"Bryson" my coworker said making me turn towards her.

"Yea"I said lowly.

"Boss said when you're done with him come to the back" she said making me nod and turn around.

"Thirty-four, ninety-two" I said to the old man. He gave me the money making me count it and give him his receipt.

I walk back to my bosses office and knock on the door "come in".

"Malia said you wanted to see me" I lowly. "Yea, I've seen the amount of hours you've worked  since Saturday and it's a lot Bryson"


"So I want you to go home and get some sleep"

"Okay, see you tomorrow" I said before she stopped me "Bryson I'm going to give tomorrow off as well" she said looking at me.


"Because you work like you don't eat or sleep—get some rest"

"Ok" I sighed before walking out and getting into my car.

Before I pulled off I heard my phone ring.

thought i turned this shit off, I thought turning off my ringer and looking at the name.
Cassandra 👍🏽...would like to facetime

I ignore the call and just the phone ring as I pull out of the parking lot. I felt bad for ignoring Cassandra but I got a lot of shit in my life to deal with and I don't wanna bring her down in the process.

"Nigga wassup wit you and Casanova" Jahmir asked me while him and kahlil played 2k.

"Nigga said Casanova" kahlil said laughing, "it's Cassandra dummy" he said still laughing.

Akekeke ain't shit that funny

"nothing" I mumbled.

"Why yo ass back to mumbling again then huh?" Jahmir said before smacking the controller out of kahlil's hand "mir you a bitch"

I ignore jahmir's question and tune out their argument, I go to my messages app and click on me and Cassandra's text thread.

I miss her

"FUCK NIGGA YO ASS CHEATING" jahmir yelled standing up throwing the controller on the floor.

"I'm not cheating nigga, you jus fuckin ass"kahlil said laughing getting on his phone.

"Fuck up nigga—anyway Bryson fuck going on wit you, you been real fuckin quiet again" jahmir said sitting on his bed looking in my direction.

"Yea I noticed that shit too" kahlil added his two cents in making me sigh.

"I'm good"

"Nigga I've known you all my life, I know when you not good, now speak wit yo chest" jahmir said getting serious.

"Shit wit my dad" I said rubbing a hand down my face.

I'm tired as fuck...Im going to Cassandra's

"Listen man we got to back so if you wanna stay here or wit me then you can" kahlil said looking at me.

"Appreciate it, ima go out real quick" I said standing up and grabbing my keys.
Cassandra pov: same day

whatever you wantOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora