Chapter 32

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February 5th 2023

"I'm here to see Assad Davis" I said to the lady at the front desk. She type on her computer for a few more seconds.

"Room 68 floor 8"

"Thank you" I said before going to his room. I was so worried yesterday when I got that call and I was about to come down last night but the nurse told me visiting hours were over.

I know on the room door before opening it, "Assad baby it's me" I said walking up to him seeing a girl sitting next to him.

"Are you the nurse?" She asked making me furrow my eyebrows together.

"No—who are you?" I asked her.

"Raylen, I brung him in here" she said looking at Assad with a sad face.

So why are you still here and why are so sad

I cleared my throat, "well thank you for bringing him in, I'm sure they don't need you here anymore" I said walking closer to a sleeping Assad.

"Who are you" she asked making me wanna punch her dead in the nose.

"I'm his girlfriend"

"Oh—I think I should stay just in case" she said sitting back down and crossing her legs.

Hoe do not play with me right now

"Hey baby" I said noticing that he was awake now.

"Whatchu doing here b" he said looking around the room, "why I'm here"

"Hey Ssad" ole girl said making him look at her.


"Why I'm here raylen" he asked not even correcting her about his name.

You can't fight because you're pregnant
You can't fight because you're pregnant
You can't fight because you're pregnant

"We were chilling at the party upstairs and you started clutching your chest in pain and you passed out."

Upstairs?!? Oh hell no

"Damn" he said closing his eyes.

"How you feeling baby" I asked making him look at me.

"I'm igh" he said sitting up before continuing, "I'm bout ta' leave tho" he said pulling the iv's out of his arm and getting out the bed.

"Assad what are you doing?" Relay, I'm mean raylen asked him.

"The fuck I just say I'm doing—Leaving" he said looking for his clothes. The doctors came in the room making us all look at them.

"Well Mr. Davis Im glad to see you up and doing well"

"Yea" I heard raylen say making me roll my eyes. Assad ignored them, "whea the fuck my clothes at"

"Baby calm down" I could tell he was getting frustrated.

"Please take a seat Mr Davis and we'll get your clothes" the doctor said making Assad look at me and I nodded. He walked to the bed, sitting in it.

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