Chapter 46

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March 20th 2023

"And then I was like 'why did you give me a ninety-five' because I knew I should have gotten a hundred..." Cassandra said as she sat next to Bryson.

All Bryson could hear while Cassandra spoke to him was, a high pitched ringing in his ears as his mind was absent.

"Baby?" Cassandra said before snapping in his face making the ringing noise in his ears decrease, "baby did you hear me?"

Bryson didn't respond, he couldn't, he didn't have the energy to. He started taking the medication for his panic attacks again and he felt like the life was being sucked out of him. He hadn't had any energy and no appetite. All he could do was sleep.

"Are you okay?" Cassandra asked full of concern. He slowly moved his low eyes towards her and she could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

She gently grabbed his face, examining his eyes, "how are you feeling?"

Bryson was mustering up the energy to respond to his girlfriend's question, "I ha-haven't ate in four—" he cut himself off, feeling himself get exhausted.

Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows, "in four hours?" She asked making him shake his head 'no'.

"In four days?" She asked hoping this wasn't the case but when he did a slight head nod, she got her answer.

"Oh baby—you can't do things like that" she said standing up, "I'm going to make you something"


"Bam!—here you go" Cassandra said sliding the plate of food across the counter to Bryson. He looked down at the plate and began shaking his head.

"I can't eat" he stated barely above a whisper.

Cassandra frowned, "you have to eat something"

Bryson looked up from the plate to her eyes, seeing the concern in them. He felt bad that she made this meal for him and he couldn't even eat it.


He slowly grabbed the fork, scooping up some rice before taking a bite of chicken. She watched him slowly chew it and swallow it before pushing the plate away.

"Some more baby" she encouraged, pushing the plate back to him.

As Bryson took another bite of chicken, he felt his stomach starting to turn. He got up and walked to the bathroom quickly and began puking up his insides. He was mostly dry-heaving due to him not eating in days.

Cassandra ran to the bathroom and began to rub his back letting him know she was there for him. He soon flushed the toilet and sat against the counter with his eyes closed.

"Aw my poor baby" the young girl said rubbing her boyfriend's face, making him open his eyes. She was worried about him, this was the first time she really looked at him today, he looked so empty.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"A week" he mumbled with his eyes closed. He didn't want to tell her that it was this pills making him feel like this but he knew that she was going to find out.

"Do you know what's making you this sick?"

He hesitated before opening his eyes, "my medicine"

She furrowed her eyebrows thinking about what medicine he was talking about, "the medicine for your panic attacks?"

"Mm" was all he could respond with as he began to feel out of energy.

She noticed that he was exhausted, "come baby, brush your teeth and tell me your doctor's number and you can go to sleep" she said helping him up.


"Hi can I speak to doctor Rosenberg please?" Cassandra asked the person on the phone. As she waited to speak with the doctor, she looked down at Bryson hugging her waist as he slept.

'He looks so peaceful' she thought.


"Hello is this doctor Rosenberg?"

"This is she, how can I help you?"

"I'm calling on behalf of Bryson Johnson—he was prescribed some medication for his panic attacks" she said before continuing, "I believe he needs a new prescription or medication because the one he's taking is not helping him."

"Did the attacks stop?" The doctor said.

"Yes but-then he doesn't need a new medication" the doctor cut her off with attitude.

Cassandra scrunched up her face at the doctor's tone.

"Excuse me don't cut me off and that's not how you speak to me or any other person who is concerned about the weird ass medicine you are giving your patients" Cassandra angrily said.

"Now as I was saying, I believe he needs a new medication because the one he is on now is taking a negative tol on him. Sure the panic attacks are gone but he has no appetite and no energy"

"Can we schedule an appointment soon please?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes—you guys can come in on the twenty ninth of March"

"Thank you" and with that Cassandra hung up the phone and looked down at Bryson.

She sighed as she rubbed his face. She was beating herself up over this situation because she told him to start taking it. She was determined to find out what's going on and how to fix it for him. She saw herself spending the rest of her life with him...She was starting to fall in love with him.

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