Chapter 78

307 17 12


[???, 3rd PoV]

Hundreds upon hundreds of ice stalactites spread out in every direction, while what followed after was the silhouette of a certain figure. He jumped from platform to platform before running across the building's walls as his gaze had its focus on the young man standing below.

A full circle had been done as he soon arrived on his original spot, all while the ice stalactites were floating, surrounding Ray from a distance away. Then, with a simple gesture of his hand, all of them accelerated and flew toward him.

Ray noticed the objects of ice and made a single swing with his sword---Prolog. The moment he did that, everything within his view was sliced into two, right in the middle.


Not just that, but the space itself seemed to be getting damaged as that faint crack echoed in their ears.

After such a powerful slash, he stepped instantly to another position, avoiding the ones that weren't cut in half due to them being outside of his view. Only for him to make his footwork again and slashed once more. But this time, he also made sure that it would reach a certain figure within his field of view.

As expected, Kevin had already realized the capabilities of that mysterious sword and prepared in advance. The moment Ray swung his sword, he quickly made his move and disappeared within the millisecond he finished his swing---only to appear on the rooftop of the building on the opposite side.

Ray: "Tsk."

Ray's heightened senses were able to sense the disappearance of Kevin's energy, hence having him able to know where exactly Kevin had gone to. He looked over the rooftop of the building on his left---only to widen his eyes before swinging his sword vertically.

Ray: "Kugh...!"

The massive steel structure that was thrown to him had been successfully sliced into two. Although there was no time to take a break as three more structures were flying toward him. At first glance, it was overwhelming. But he had to do something to avoid his end.

So, without stopping his pace, he continued to swing his sword again.

Ray: "Hah...! Hah...!"

Exhaustion was clear on his face as he stabbed the sword to the ground, trying to take his breath. After doing three consecutive swings, it seemed that his energy had depleted for a bit---

Kevin: "So there's a limit."

Ray: "---!"

Suddenly, his instinct screamed, and his body followed as he swung his sword around. But before he could make a full swing, it was intercepted by Kevin.


Kevin's ice sword met against Ray's Prolog.

They pulled their swords away before clashing with one another.

After each clash, Kevin's ice sword broke but it was instantly remade by him the next second.

For every time they pulled their swords away, the shockwaves that came after caused the buildings around them to tremble.




Their swords once again clashed, and their gaze met one another as well. Ray's expression was slowly distorting as he gritted his teeth to hold the insane force Kevin had been putting on him. To be honest, it was already insane that he had been able to hold his ground for so long. But the longer this goes, the more it would chip his strength away.

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