Chapter 8

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Schiksal’s Training Ground, 3rd POV

A few minutes has passed, and Ray is losing because of his lack of stamina. Durandal stilll looked like she can stil go for another 10 or even 20 minutes, but that’s because she train a lot more than Ray from her valkyrie training. Ray is a little bit frustrated because even when he can dodge her attacks, he can’t even land one punch on her. What he need is an opening, that’s big enough for him to land a punch. But that didn’y go for long as a punch suddenly appeared in front of him, he got caught off guard and got punch right in his gut. He got thrown back and feels like doesn’t want to get back up, but he forced himself to do so. Durandal noticed this and looked at him with a little bit of worry, but Ray just gives her an “okay” sign.

Durandal : “It’s time to end this, you’re too tired to continue... Ray.”

Ray : *Pant* “Yeah...” *pant* “I think...” *pant* “I am...” *pant* “But... Before that...”

Ray calm himself and steady his breath before looking at Durandal with a serious look, Durandal noticed what his look means and got ready in her stance.

Ray : “I will make sure, I land a punch on you.”

Durandal : “I see, then try your best.”

Suddenly, purple lightnings come from Ray. Ray got surprised by this, but he smiled knowing what it is. Durandal becomes more cautious at Ray’s change, she now has a little bit of seriousness in her face. And the fight continued, the crowd begins cheering once more for the surprise of what happens to Ray's sudden change. Fu Hua is surprised to see what happens to Ray, she silently make a stronger barrier around the arena to make sure nothing unexpected happen. While, Otto is trying to figure out what is Ray’s power and how can he use it to his benefit.

Schiksal’s Infirmary Room, 3rd POV

Mei wake up to see that she’s on a bed with white curtains around her, she tried to get up but stopped because she see that the door opened. Revealing Lei who has a surprised expression because of Mei’s awaken, she then ask if she’s okay, which Mei respond with just a smile.

Lei : “Are you sure you’re fine ?”

Mei : “It’s okay, I don’t really feel any pain anymore.”

Lei : “Thank goodness, Kiana and Bronya is worried.”

Mei : “I see, what about Ray ?”

Lei : “Hm ? The first thing you ask is about Ray ? Hmm~”

Mei : “Wha- It’s not what you think it is !”

Lei giggles while Mei blushed trying to explain that she was just worried because Ray is the most injured one from before, which Lei reply with a suprising answer.

Lei : “Yeah, Ray is so good he’s even fighting Durandal right now.”

Mei : “He’s what now ?”

Lei then turned on the tv in front of them, the tv shows Ray and Durandal on the arena. But there’s purple lightning sparks coming out of Ray, and Durandal is standing there with a little serious expression and not her usual expressionless face. Lei and Mei is surprised to see their appearance, especially Ray who is different than his usual self.

Mei : “What happened to Ray ?”

Lei : “I don’t know... But he’s smiling, so I think it’s not something bad.”

Mei : “How can you be so sure ?”

Lei : “Whenever something happened, but Ray is smiling when it happened. That means he know what is happening and he knows what to do.”

Mei : “Is that so... Is there any other things like that ?”

Lei look at Mei with a teasing smile, Mei noticed it and tried to explained that it’s only curiousity and there's nothing wrong with a little bit of curiousity.

Lei : “Well... If you want to know, then why don’t you just observe him ?”

Mei : “Observe him ? As in every day ?”

Lei : “I didn’t said every day, you did.”

Mei blushed and Lei giggles again.

Lei : “Just observe him when something happens, and you’ll know.”

Mei : “I see... By the way, why did you come here ?”

Lei : “I was checking on you, Kiana wanted to go but Bronya didn’t allowed her to. She said that if Kiana is left alone with you then she will only make more problems for you , so Kiana asked me to see you.”

Mei : *Giggles* “I see, Bronya said that...”

Mei then continued to watch the tv and Lei followed.

Schiksal’s Training Ground, Ray’s POV

Ray : purple lightnings ? What is this ? Naron ?

Naron : That is one of the power I gave you, Ray.

Ray : When ?

Naron : When we first met, the power I gave you can resonate with other’s powers. In this case, because The Herrscher Of Thunder, healed you that time, you got some of her power.

Ray : Wait, The Herrscher Of Thunder did what ? Healed me ?

Naron : Yes, she did. But that’s because of her host strong desire, that is not letting her friends die. So The Herrscher Of Thunder healed you and Kiana, I don't know the reason why Kiana is involved. But, we will know when the time comes.

Ray : I see... But, what I only need to understand right now js that these lightnings is one of my powers ?

Naron : Correct, you can use it to your will.

Ray : I see, that’s good to know.

I smiled at what Naron just said, and focus my attention at Durandal that is standing not far from me. She noticed my gaze and got into a defensive stance, with a bit of seriousness on her expression.
I suddenly appeared in front of her, sending a punch to her face. She got caught off guard by my sudden change in speed, but she moved her head with insane speed. That’s insane ! How did she have that kind of reflex ?! I thought, I tried to side kicked her waist but she caught my foot. And then send a punch to my face, but I moved my head to the side and jump with my other leg, I tried to hit her face with my knee only to get caught and I got thrown by her, She’s so freakin’ strong !! I need to make an opening to hit her...  Wait, maybe if I could ?

I got an idea, even though I’m not sure if it’ll work. But it worth a try, I’m too tired to continue the fight anyway. I looked at her and she’s just standing there doesn’t move a muscle, as if saying “Bring it on, I’ll wait for it.” I let out a smile, Nah... Maybe not, I’ll just try another method.
I tried to gather my energy and Durandal seemed to noticed it, so she got into a defensive stance once more. After I gathered as much energy the current me can control, I flowed my energy to my legs and I can feel that my speed seems to be ten times more faster.

I then tried to move and I appeared right in front of Durandal, she didn’t realized I has moved already from my former position. I quickly send a punch to her gut filled with my energy, it hit. Durandal then got thrown away but she quickly realized what happened and did a flip in the air and landed. But she looked confused as how did I just attacked her, I smiled and then lose my balance as I fall face first. But, Durandal caught me right before I hit my face to the ground.

Durandal : “It seems like you succeeded in hitting me.”

Ray : “Heh, I really did.”

Durandal smile was the last thing I see before I lose my consciousness.


Author : Well, another fight scene has appeared. And of course Durandal won the match, it will be too weird if Ray won right ?

Narrator : Yeah, Ray didn’t have any experience fighting another person. He just slashed through some zombies and a honkai beast. But, how did he survived fighting for a few minutes againts Durandal ?

Author : Huh ? When did I said Ray has no fighting experience ?

Narrato : Nice

Author : ... I got tricked, I got backstabbed, and possibly got bamboozled as well

Narrator : Anyway, about Mei and Lei interaction

Author : Yeah ?

Narrator : It’s crin-

Author : *Snaps finger*

Narrator : *Gone, reduced to atoms*

Author : Well, unfortunately he’s gone now. So I will say from me and him... Thank you for reading this chapter, and I (we) will see you in the next chapter ! Bye bye !

A New Character [Honkai Impact 3 X OC]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora