The Bruce Girl

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~~~ (y/n)'s POV ~~~
It was already morning when you waked up. You feel like not getting up or your stuck to the bed. You looked at the clock beside you. Your eyes widened when you saw the clock. "Oh man! its 8:05 am! I'm gonna be late!". You took a quick bath, put on your (f/c) T-shirt, and grabbed your bag. You ran downstairs and found that your Aunt was making toast. Just then the timer on the toaster went on and you grabbed the toast while it was still on the air. You shouted "Bye Aunt!" as you ran outside the door. "Bye dear! have fun!". You ran as fast as you can and didn't noticed a girl with orange hair towards you. You bumped into her and dropped all her books. You helped her to get her books and said "I am so sorry! it was just i was late for school and-...". Before you could say anything she said "Haha! its ok!...But let me stop you there. First its just 7:30 am so you aren't late for class!". You were relived that you weren't late. "Oh... Thanks. And here!". You handed over the last book to her. She smiled and said "Thank you! I'm Heidi by the way." You were surprised. Your very first friend! You took a deep breathe and said "I'm (y/n)." She starred at you and said "You must be the new girl!". "Yeah..." you said happily. You and Heidi went inside the school and while you were talking... A guy with orange hair just like Heidi's came running towards her, and said "Yo sis! Give me five dollars QUICK!".
"WHAT THE JUICE HOWARD! Where's your lunch money mom gave you?".
"Uh... not important! JUST.GIVE.ME.FIVE.BUCKS.QUICK!".
You reached into your pocket and happened to find five bucks. You got it out your pocket and gave it to the guy. And you said "Here. you can have mine."
"What? (y/n) don't give him the money!"
You giggled and smiled and said "its fine Heidi!"
The guy said "You sure?..."
"ok!.. Thanks! i'm Howard by the way."
"I'm (y/n)."
"Ok see yah bye!"
Howard ran as fast as he can to the cafeteria and disappeared.
Heidi turned to you and said "I am so sorry for my brother!".
You laughed and said "So he's your brother?.."
"yah...sometimes he's annoying with his friend Andy."
"Andy?...". You raised your eye brow.
"Yeah.. i think..."
 Heidi looked at the clocked and gasped. "oh man!... I'm gonna go now. So see ya later (y/n)!"
"Bye Heidi!" you said as she runs into a classroom.

You remembered that you have to find your locker to put your stuff in it. You searched your bag for the note that had the number of your locker. "oh there it is!" you said to yourself. You looked at the note and started looking around for it. Just after 3 minutes you found it and you were amazed you founded it quickly. You opened your locker and started putting all your books away and before you knew it someone was already standing right beside you!
You closed your locker and slowly looked at the person standing beside you. You starred at the tall guy and observed he has purple hair. And you suddenly realize he was looking at you too!... You saw his Sapphire Blue eyes and blushed. This starring thing could go on forever until you looked away. Before He could say something Howard came running to him and said "Hey Randy! Have you looked at your bag yet?"
"No. why? Did you took something here??"
" don't look!"
"Wait... where's my sandwich?... you ate it again didn't you Howard!?!"
"Well i kinda... sorta.. maybe ...ate it."
"Well i got hungry so... here."
Howard hands over a sandwich that he brought from the cafeteria.
You said "So thats what you did with the five dollars..."
Howard gave this confusing look like he didn't know you.
"Huh?...Oh! its (y/n)!... didn't saw you there...but thanks again!"
Randy was surprise and said "Wait.. you know her?"
"Well... I did just a minute ago."
"You must be Andy. Right?"
"Uh..No actually...It's Randy... You must be the new girl..."
"Oops... Sorry its just that Heidi told me your Andy."
Just after that the school bell rang...
"See ya later (y/n)!

--- Randy's POV ---
I was heading to my locker and saw a girl standing right next to it. I think she was new. So i opened my locker like I do everyday...But as soon as she closes her locker i closed mine too so i could see her face. But When i looked at her.. I couldn't stop looking. I felt something inside me...something i can't understand.. I don't know if it was my stomach or if its love. She has this shiny (e/c) eyes...but she looked away... I wanted to say Hi but then Howard came running...

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