Chapter 53

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Chapter 53


Afeziwe was sleeping on her seat the moment I drove inside the yard. She was bound to be tired. How can someone eat ice cream and run around the park like that? She even played some arcade games. But I'm glad she had time for herself. Being a mother takes a toll on someone.

I picked her up from her seat and closed the car with my left foot and carried her inside to our bedroom. I placed her on the bed and took off her shoes and cap. I covered her with a comforter.

I opened the drawer and took out a burner phone. I dialled Lerato Radebe's number. It rang for a while and she finally answered. She just stayed silent though.

"We need to meet." I broke the silence.

"Who are you?" I chuckled.

"You messed with the wrong family and if you know what's good for you, you'll come to the address I send you."

"Do you know who I am?" Threatening me?

"I don't give a fúck."

"Well you should. I could make your life a living hell Lubanzi Dalindyebo. You thought I didn't know who you are? I've been in the game for far too long. So listen here,if you know what's good for your daughter, she's cute by the way, you'll stop messing around with me and let me play this game."

"I wonder what the officials would say about you being a human trafficker. Threatening my daughter? Make sure that your son,Itebaleng right? Make sure that he doesn't disappear from the boarding school. I'm a nice guy pity you stepped on my foot. You should have let your father remain dead." I hanged up.

This bítch is crazy if she thinks she can just touch my family. Being a nice guy in this world doesn't get you anywhere.

My phone rang and it was a video call from Sere. I smiled before answering it.

"Daddy's princess."

"Daddy, I'm mad at you." She pouted. This tiny girl here drives me crazy. She make me feel like giving her the world and the world she shall get.

"What did daddy do?"

"You are staying there with mom. You have forgotten us,I want to come home. I want my daddy." Sere always makes demands and she's bossy. She's a little Afeziwe.

"Baby, you haven't seen granny in a long time right? You need to spend time with her. Daddy will fetch you soon."

"I want you to fetch me now. Karabo's daddy is here and they play together. I want my daddy too. Please fetch me daddy…" She started crying. My heart always breaks when she cries. God knows I would lay my life for this girl.

"Don't cry,give the phone to your aunty. I need to speak to them."

"Okay." She was sobbing. She stood up with her tablet and walked around.

"Aunty,talk to daddy." She gave someone the tablet. It was Kaya.

"Hello brother in law. How are you?"

"Hi, Kaya. I'm doing okay and you?"

"I'm not complaining. Why is your daughter crying?"

"She wants to come back home."

"Sere why didn't you say so instead of crying?" She scolded her.

"Listen can you ask the driver there to bring her and Ntsiko home?"

"Uhm, I'll check if he's available. Bye."

"Bye. Give her the phone." She gave the tablet back to Sere.

"Don't cry, okay?" She nodded.

"Now give me a smile." She grinned. I swear she's Afeziwe's daughter. Their smiles are just the same and they are my weakness.

"Go pack your things. Where's your brother?"

"He's playing with Makhulu."

"Is he far? I want to talk to him as well."

"Ntsiko! Daddy want to talk to you!" She yelled. I heard some shuffles before Ntsiko's face showed on the screen.

"Hello champ."

"Hi Daddy."

"Are you fine?" He nodded.

"Sere wants to come back now? Do you want to join her?" He shook his head.

"I want to stay here dad. I love it here. Makhulu is playing with me."

"Okay, you'll tell me when you want to come back right?" He nodded.

"Daddy loves you kids."

"We love daddy as well." They both said. I dropped the video call. With Sere, you'll talk forever.

An hour later Sere was dropped at the gate. I went to fetch her. She came running to holding a back pack and a teddy bear. I picked her up.

"Daddy,I missed you." She looked happy.

"I missed you too Nontsikelelo." She giggled. I took her to the kitchen and placed her on the stool.

"Do you want to eat something?"



"Please daddy." When she gives you those Afe's puppy eyes you give in.

"Just a small piece,Sere."

"Okay." I gave her the chocolate. Afeziwe came downstairs still rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"Serenity? What are you doing here?"

"They brought me here."

"And you're eating my chocolate? In fact you're eating a chocolate at this time of the night? Your teeth will fall off."

"It's just a small piece mommy."

"Why did you give her the chocolate? She's going to have rotten teeth." Fez scolded me.

"But you know your daughter,once she gives me those puppy eyes I give in."

"You're not supposed to give in."

"But I always give in with you."

"It's different Banzi, I'm your wife." I smiled.

"And she's my daughter." She snatched the chocolate from Sere.

"You said only a small piece. Go brush your teeth." Sere got off the stool and ran upstairs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her and she nodded. I guess that's why she woke up.

I started cooking pasta since it's fast enough. Sere came back in her pyjamas. She was yawning and I picked her up and carried her around as I cooked until she fell asleep.

After dishing out for Fez,I took her daughter upstairs to her room to sleep. I kissed her forehead and my burner phone rang. I took it out.

"I'm ready to bargain." Lerato said. I smirked.

"Great decision."

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