Chapter 4

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As soon as his eyes fixated on the black clothed figure running away, Minho sped up with the only thought of making him pay. He sprinted to him, throwing his whole body weight forward.

He realized that the criminal wasn't thinking about the possibility of someone keeping up with his pace, because as soon as he fell to the ground under Minho's weight, he let out a little yell out of surprise, before getting his balls back rather quickly and reminding himself that he actually had to fight.

Minho tackled him to the ground harshly, as both of them fell, making a loud thud in the course of the actions. 

In a rapid move, Minho picked up his knife from his boot, swirling it on his hand before quickly putting it under the masked boy's chin, menacing him with fierce eyes. He wanted to kill him, right at this moment, but he couldn't stop Chan's nagging in his head, telling him that he should think before taking people's lives. Not that Minho was actually used to think.

The killer widened his eyes, before reacting quickly, he raised up his elbow to stab Minho with it on his sides, not enough to harm him, but enough for him to wince slightly, and for the killer to wiggle out of his knife.

He then kicked him out of his lap, pushing him to the ground as he stood up right away. He thought for a second, wondering if he should fight his attacker or run, but he didn't have enough time to take action as Minho bolted on him again, his knife now pointing in his direction.

He mumbled a curse, before taking his dagger out too. He might as well defend himself.

He intensely looked at Minho's face, trying to recognize his face from somewhere but no, nothing. He wasn't one of his targets at all, he couldn't even remember seeing him at the building when he was preparing his murder. He couldn't think of a reason for the latter to attack him, but right now it didn't matter. He just had to kill him, then run again.

Minho was surprised, every swift move he did, the latter anticipated, or dodged perfectly. He wasn't used to fight with people who were actually experimented in combat, and that just made him even more eager to eliminate him. He swung his dagger left and right, as he had full advantage on the other. He continued rather harshly as the masked boy backed down, and Minho felt proud as his opponent was slowly approaching a wall just behind him. He had find a way for him to be blocked, he will get him.

He could even see his opponent weakening, getting slower in each dodge as he even cut a slight wound on the latter's hand, watching as he wince silently at the pain.

Chan was watching the fight with amazement. Terrifying amazement.

Never had he seen Minho fight for so long. He actually wondered if he wasn't simply playing with his opponent, if he wasn't just making him believe in a possibility of winning just to kill him in a swift move when he'll get bored, but no. Minho was actually struggling, and that worried Chan slightly.

Don't get him wrong, he believes fully in his friend. He knows Minho never gives up, he knows the younger one had been training to be undefeatable for actual years, but he started worrying about his enemy. The one who ruined the mission, and the one who could actually resist a fight with his wild tiger.

"He is really good" Felix stated in shock, not knowing how to react

"Minho hasn't been able to touch him, not once" Jeongin responded with a wavering voice, a seemingly frightened expression on his face

"Minho must be tired" Changbin simply responded, trying to lift the mood up, even if he was actually sharing Chan's thoughts.

Chan stood silent, but steady, ready to open the van's door the moment he'll need it.

On the other hand, Minho was having fun. His opponent was a few centimeters from the wall, so he could finally finish him in a few seconds.

Unexpectedly, Minho kicked him on the stomach, making the other's back smash to the wall, as he plunged his knife in the direction of his throat, ready to cut the life out of him.

But the hooded killer was a bit more experienced than that.

Minho had underestimated him, unfortunately.

He had been outsmarted, with less strength, with less effort. He had been defeated ridiculously.

The killer crouched down at the perfect moment, enough for Minho to continue the rotation of his body following his arm swing, and enough for him to have a weakness, a moment of vulnerability, where he wasn't fully protected.

In a few seconds, the killer's dagger was sinking into his side, and just as quickly, it went out of him.

Minho couldn't believe it. 

His eyes widened as he fell on his knees, watching afar the winner running away. He felt a sharp pain on his stomach as his hand recovered the wound, and he could feel all the warm blood emanating from it.

No minutes were necessary for Chan to run for him, Changbin along as they both grabbed a hold of Minho.

"Fucking idiot" Chan yelled, carrying Minho to the van

"Sorry, leader" Minho weakly responded, grinning at him as he got laid down, before Felix started pressing a cloth on his wound.

The world started spinning a bit, and his vision gradually blurred. He was losing consciousness, and he had never been so scared.

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