Chapter 66

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Xu Jinchao's question almost made Song Jiao's heart skip a beat.

The tip of the water pen accidentally pokes the napkin, and there is a small dot on the face of the new villain.

Song Jiao couldn't care less about the ugly little **** paper. She had asked Xu Jinchao many times, asking for the promise of eternal companionship, but it was the first time Xu Jinchao asked such a question.

After the sudden blankness of her mind and heartbeat, she couldn't help but give birth to some tiny delusions of beauty, but she couldn't even believe it or confirm it.

Song Jiao's lips moved, but she didn't immediately give a guarantee. Even though she was already screaming fiercely in her heart to quickly agree to the other party, what she spat out was a rhetorical question.

"...Why do you ask that?"

Xu Jinchao's expression was a little confused. This was not a fraud. She really didn't know why she asked Song Jiao such a question.

Alpha shook his head: "I don't know either, forget it, when I didn't say it."

She lowered her head, but Song Jiao was very anxious and refused to end the conversation like that. She reached out from across the table and grabbed Xu Jinchao's palm.

This attracted Xu Jinchao to look at her again, and also gave Song Jiao the opportunity to read the expressions of the other person.

Omega couldn't help hating her meticulous observation ability. She was disappointed to see that Xu Jinchao didn't seem to have the kind of meaning she longed for.

Although she knew that her delusions had come to nothing, Song Jiao still asked Xu Jinchao to think about it again and give herself a slightly positive answer.

"You are, you want to stay with me all the time, don't want to leave me, don't want me to go, is that so?"

Xu Jinchao looked at Omega's beautiful little face with prayer, she could see from this expression the kind of fear that had arisen spontaneously in her, like a mirror of emotions, reflecting the exact same her.

She suddenly realized why Song Jiao always asked over and over again in the past, hoping that she could guarantee to stay. She must have been in a similar mood at that time as she is now, and she didn't want to let her spiritual sustenance fly away and become a lonely person again.

Xu Jinchao felt a dull pain in his heart, and immediately said, "Yes, I think so."

This is the firmest response she can give to Song Jiao so far. She longs to live with each other all the time. Maybe two lonely people who accompany each other will be able to eliminate many involuntary depressions.

Song Jiao showed a slight smile.

Xu Jinchao couldn't understand the meaning behind this smile, he only felt sour and sweet, which was a hundred times more complicated than his current mood.

Omega took a deep breath and said to Xu Jinchao, "It will only be you who abandon me, not me."

It was a heavy and bitter promise, and she put herself in a low position, uttering this one-way humble oath to reassure her alpha.

At this moment, Song Jiao understands Anita in "Sun Lake" very well, why she would be Estella's loyal guardian, appear when the other party needs it, and leave after the other party regains confidence in life.

Everything is just because of love. They all adore a perfect savior, and they deeply understand how small and timid they are. They can only do their best to please the people they like, and long for a little luck from fate.

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