Chapter 26

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Alpha's voice was low, like someone had been bullied, and there were a few grievances he didn't dare voice.

It was a development that Song Jiao didn't expect at all.

Omega thought for a moment that he had done something outrageous.

Perhaps because Xu Jinchao was so pitiful, Song Jiao, who had a fearless face before answering the phone, now feels a little helpless, which makes Honest Dog Gou sad.

Song Jiao couldn't respond immediately, but Xu Jinchao was slightly annoyed.

Although there was no one in front of her, her back was subconsciously straight and her words changed from accusations of transporting private property to incoherent explanations.

"I don't want to interfere with your behavior, that is, Aunt Li made delicious food, and I thought you would come back after class. Ah, do you have something to do? So you are busy..."

Seeing that Alpha had even found an excuse for her and would take the initiative to hang up the phone in a few minutes to stop "bothering" her, Song Jiao couldn't help but laugh and cry and said hurriedly: " No, I'll be right back."

The girl's voice in the receiver was as soft as usual, but Xu Jinchao relaxed when he saw that she wasn't angry.

Grievances that had been suppressed resurfaced, and he muttered softly, "It's getting dark, come home early." I asked my aunt to make some dishes, and it's cold now.

Song Jiao said, "I'm sorry."

Hearing this sweet apology, Xu Jinchao's little annoyance that was not worth mentioning completely disappeared, a smile appeared on her face, and she lay down on the couch.

"How long until I get home?" I asked Aunt Li to reheat the food in advance.

Song Jiao had already walked through the lab door, and the car was parked nearby. She pressed the key to unlock it.

"A half hour."

Alpha badgered on the phone: "Drive slowly on the road, don't be in a hurry."

Song Jiao opened the car door and sat down, she casually asked: "Don't you want me to come home early?"

Hearing him say this, Alpha's voice rose instead, insisting, "Safety first!"

Omega's eyebrows in the rear view mirror arched slightly as she curled up and promised, "Okay, I will. Don't you wonder what I did?"

Xu Jinchao remembered the text message of the supplementary card's expense reminder. Although she gave Song Jiao the card last Friday, it was her first drink.

Being willing to spend your money may mean Omega is less resistant to it.

Realizing this, Xu Jinchao was a bit happy.

"It's your privacy," she said. "However, I received your consumer text message. The bank sent it automatically."

Xu Jinchao didn't ask where Song Jiao's expenses were.

In the past, [Xu Jinchao] wouldn't allow Song Jiao to behave in ways he didn't know about and carefully inquired about everything. Even if Song Jiao didn't say it, [Xu Jinchao] would still have a way of knowing.

Omega looked up at the western sky, where there was a golden sunset and a wide band of beautiful clouds.

Song Jiao said quietly, "The sun has gone down, I will go home now."

East rises and west sets, she knows the sun will rise eventually.

Hanging up the phone, Xu Jinchao couldn't help but pull out the bank's text message reminding him to spend 2,000 yuan.

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