Chapter 9

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After discussing these matters, it was almost time, and the two of them went back to their rooms and changed into their regular clothes.

There is no need to meet Xu Boyang right now, Xu Jinchao can naturally match clothes according to his own aesthetic.

The temperature difference between day and night in the early autumn of the provincial capital is very large. It is still cold in the morning, but it has climbed to a slightly cooler temperature now, and I am afraid it will heat up again at noon.

Xu Jinchao quickly rummaged through the mostly dark clothes, and chose a green-gray long skirt with a light texture, flowing and flowing, and a beige knee-length trench coat.

She looked into the full-length mirror and confirmed that the color matching of this outfit was quite harmonious. Because she was afraid of delaying time, she simply put on lipstick and hurried out of the bedroom.

After a few steps to the top of the stairs, Omega was looking up.

Song Jiao was probably thinking about going back to school quickly, but she changed her clothes faster than Xu Jinchao.

Her undyed long hair was hastily braided over her shoulders, and she wore a plain white shirt with no complicated designs, tucked into high-waisted jeans, and a pair of sneakers.

This is an everyday outfit, not to mention an abominable loose custard coat, which blocks the most beautiful and moving curves of the girl's waist and hips.

But when she raised her plain white face, her beautiful face showed eager desire, so looking straight up from the bottom up, she was already a beauty that did not require any modification and was naturally created by the heavens and the earth.

After a moment of amazement, Xu Jinchao walked downstairs quickly.

The beautiful Omega is afraid of waiting impatiently, like a kitten looking forward to being fed and petted, looking up at people with a pair of watery and pitiful big eyes, who can bear this.

Song Jiao was indeed a little anxious. She was a bird already standing at the door of the golden wire cage. As long as the lock was opened, she could fly into the free sky.

She paced in place until she heard footsteps upstairs.

In Song Jiao's impression, Xu Jinchao was used to showing people in suits, and the color matching could not jump out of the big frame of black and white.

Coupled with all the despicable calculations and rough treatment imposed by Alpha, Xu Jinchao was always a dark and dark silhouette in Song Jiao's heart.

She never thought that Xu Jinchao would let out her long hair when she went out, give up cold and hard formal clothes, and suddenly burst into her field of vision with bright colors, bringing unparalleled shock and impact.

She just stared blankly at Xu Jinchao walking down the spiral staircase.

The folds of the grey-green long skirt flowed lightly under the hem, and the knee-length thin trench coat showed a warm off-white color. When the long curly black hair swayed from her cheeks, Song Jiao suddenly realized that Alpha had wiped the berry red lip gloss.

When Xu Jinchao approached, he noticed that Song Jiao was also carrying a canvas bag diagonally, which contained about textbooks, paper and pens, and the cloth bag was printed with cute sketch kittens playing and playing.

Still a big child, she sighed inwardly.

Xu Jinchao couldn't help showing a slight smile to Song Jiao, and quickly covered it up: "Let's go, I'll take you to school."

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