𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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You gently knocked on Veronica's door.  You heard her bedsheets moving around, so you suddenly panicked, fearing you woke her up.  You were about to walk away and leave her alone till you heard her call out.

"What the fuck do you want?!"

"Ronnie, I was wondering if I could talk to you," you replied, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Don't call me that.  Just... what do you want?"

You hesitantly opened the door, and Veronica was sitting up on her bed.  She hadn't even bothered to get under the covers, which was very out of place for her.

"You gonna answer me?  What do you want," she asked, practically seething now.

"Why don't you want me near JD," you answered bluntly.  "He doesn't seem like a bad guy, so what's so wrong with him?"

"I can't tell you, you just have to listen to-"

"No.  You don't just get to say that.  I need a reason.  A real reason," you told her.

This was the first time you bothered standing up to her, and you weren't even doing that much.  It was strange for you.  You hadn't ever bothered to do anything she wouldn't like, and you usually followed her demands.  It was why she was able to get you to join the Heathers' with her so easily.  But here you were, standing up for yourself.  Martha would be proud.

"I can't give you that reason," she informed you with a smirk.

She wasn't used to you not being a pushover, but she believed if she could get you to listen if she stayed firm.

"Well, if you have no real reason, you won't be mad when I go to visit him later."

You began to make your exit, when Veronica jumped up from her bed and grabbed your shoulder.

"No!  You will not be going!  And he can't come here either!  I thought I told you to not even look at him?!"

"Well, if you can't tell me why I shouldn't, then I'll do what I want," you retorted.

"Look, (y/n), Jason Dean is dangerous," Veronica told you.

"Oh really?  How so," you asked, trying to hold in giggles now.

"Look... what I'm about to tell you... you can't tell anyone.  In fact, I'm only telling you so that you fucking listen to me.  But I need you to swear you won't tell anyone."

Now you were really finding this funny.  She was really trying to sell you this, wasn't she?  God, how stupid did she think you were?  Sure, you weren't a certified genius like her, but you weren't an idiot.  You know what?  Let's just see what she has to say, even if it's nothing of importance, it could be amusing.

"Fine, I swear.  I won't even tell a diary."

Veronica took a deep breath, looked at you, and grabbed your arm.  She lead you to her bed and sat you down, then closed and locked her door.  She stood in front of you, a facial expression crossing between anger and apathy gracing her face, almost like a scowl.

"Jason Dean has killed people," she told you.

"Okay, what the hell," you asked.

"He's killed people, he killed-"

"You know what Veronica?  No.  You need to stop.  I know you have a crush on him, so why can't you just be honest?!"

"I am being honest (y/n)!  He killed Heather Chandler by giving her drain cleaner and convincing her it would help with a hangover!  Then he killed Kurt and Ram after... after... after he had me call them and convince them you wanted to have a threesome."

"What the fuck?!  Okay, you've crossed a line.  I know you didn't like them, but those two were gay!  And they're dead, so why are you bringing them into this?!  Have some respect for the deceased!"

"People only think they're gay because I wrote the suicide note!  Jason told me the bullets would only stun them, I didn't know they were real!  And I made a different 'hangover cure' that would only make her throw up, I never meant to kill her!"

At this point, it felt like Veronica was talking to herself rather than you.  You sat on the bed, staring at her wide eyed.  Either she was a really good actress, or something was very, very wrong with your sister.

"So you wrote Kurt and Ram's suicide note," you pried.

"And Heather's.  God I wish I didn't write that fucking note... I should've just faced jail time..."

"So you... you did kill people..."

"I didn't!  Jason did!  And you need to stay the hell away from him, so he doesn't kill you too!"

"Oh my god, you've killed people..."

You stood up to make a hasty exit, now more scared than you were.  You didn't want to get hurt.  Veronica lunged towards you and grabbed your hand, pulling you so you couldn't get to the door.  She, like Chandler, was stronger than she looked.

"LET GO OF ME," you screeched.

"(y/n), you can't tell anyone.  I'm not a killer, Jason Dean is!  I'm not a killer!"

"Then you're an asset to murder!  You're an accomplice!  LET ME FUCKING GO!!"

As if your situation couldn't get any worse, you heard a loud engine revving down on the street.  Veronica let go and ran over to the window, and you stayed still, frozen.  Veronica peered out the window, and saw a motorcycle.  JD was getting off, and he had a ladder again.

"It's Jason..." she muttered, terrified.

"Oh god, we're gonna die," you whispered.

"No, I have an idea.  Just play along."

Veronica ran over to the door, unlocked it, and forced you into your room.  She quickly followed, and locked your door.  She started stripping away your bed, tearing off blankets, throwing around your pillows, trashing the thing.  Then she grabbed a sheet.

"Stand up on the bed, we don't have long.  Just play along, and I think this'll be okay."

"You think?!"

"Shut up and let me work!"

A/n: if you had to choose a villain from Heathers, who would you pick?

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