𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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You were just trying to get home for the day.  You and McNamara cut your day out short since Heather had practice for cheerleading.  There was an upcoming pep rally, and she didn't want to miss this and get caught off guard.  You ended up going back to class, having at least skipped your least favorite subject.  And now you could hear your bed singing you a sirens call.

Too bad you ran into Heather D.  She had assumed power and become an annoying bitch.  Just as you questioned whether or not you should consider Chandler your friend like your sister did, you weren't sure you cared so much for Duke anymore.

She was sitting on a windowsill that was on a platform connecting two sets of stairs.  She was practically laying on it, almost like an Egyptian royal in a stereotypical hieroglyphic piece of art in a movie.  She was basking in the sun, and her newfound power.

"Heather," you questioned.

"(y/n)!  Color me stoked," she exclaimed.

She stood up from her ledge, and pulled a stack of papers from her bag, and began to make her way over to you.  You stood still, but wished you could run off.

"I've gotten everyone to sign this petition, even those who think Big Fun are tuneless Euro-fags!  People love me!  Although, you haven't signed yet..."

"Look Heather, people may love you, but I know you.  And I've been hearing about this petition," you admitted.  "Jennifer Forbes said the petition she signed was to get a hot tub installed in the cafeteria.  And Doug Hilton said-"

"Some people just need a different kind of convincing than others, okay?!  Now just sign the petition," Heather demanded.

"Don't talk to me like that."

"Look, it was JD's idea!  He wrote up the signature sheet and everything!  So why don't you just sign it already!"

 You pushed the papers back over to Heather, slightly angry.  Using whatever you and JD had going on to get you to sign this was a low blow.  Besides, you and McNamara already promised each other that you weren't signing it, just to piss off Heather.  It was amusing when you made the promise, but right now, it was very annoying.  You were hoping to walk away, but you knew Heather wouldn't let you.

"No," you replied, still refusing.

"Why, jealous much?"

You started to walk off, when Heather grabbed your wrist, confirming your suspicion.  She needed your attention.  And you were even more pissed off since she had grabbed onto you tighter than you would prefer.

"Heather, why can't you just be a friend?  Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?!"

"Because I can be... (y/n), why are you pulling on my dick?  Do you really think that if Martha's fairy godmother made her cool, she'd still want to hang out with her dweebette friends?  No way," Duke sneered.

She grabbed her bag and stormed off, a bit of swagger in her step.  She made her way down one part of the stairs, while JD descended from the other.  He watched Heather as he grabbed you and pulled you in close.  He kissed your forehead, and looked to the now empty staircase.

"Wanna go out tonight," he asked.  "Catch a movie, you know... some miniature golf..."

"I was thinking something along the lines of killing Heather Duke," you retorted sarcastically.

"Now you're talking!  I could be up for that!"

"You know that I'm joking, right?"

"Of course."

"Okay... it's just hard to tell since you always have the gun on you n' shit."

JD smirked and grabbed your waist, and pulled you in close, as if you were two lovers making up after a fight.

"I knew you'd be back... I knew it!  I was positive, I was sure..."

"Yeah, but what are we exactly," you questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you my boyfriend, friends with benefits, just something weird... what exactly are we?"

"I'd like to consider myself your knight in shining armor, but if the official term is boyfriend, so be it."

"I have to go, my sister wouldn't like to know about this recent development."

"Well screw her."

JD started kissing you, but you broke away.  Your sister seemed deadly with a croquet mallet sometimes, and you knew she wouldn't hesitate to hurt you if she saw you ignoring her most recent demand.  You began to walk off, the trench coat boy following you till you were both outside the school.

"Hey (y/n), do you believe in love at first sight," JD interrogated.

"I don't know... love at first sight feels more like a crush if anything.  Real love requires time, struggle, and sacrifice.  You don't get that from looking at someone."

"Well, I respectfully disagree.  Because when I first saw you, I knew I was in love.  And look where we are now."

"Standing outside a high school, hoping my sister doesn't find out about us?"

"Too literal.  But fair answer.  I meant happily in a relationship after thirty two chapters.  I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too.  But I really need to get home, or Veronica's going to kick my ass."

JD smiled and gave you a quick goodbye kiss, and then made his way to wherever his motorcycle was parked.  He rode off, watching as you walked off school grounds and began to make your way home like a man on a mission.  But you did have something you wanted to do.

You wanted to find out why Veronica didn't want you around JD.  Was it just a petty crush?  Probably.  But what if she had a legitimate reason?  You had wanted to get closer to her as a sibling, and she shouldn't be held responsible to do everything to make that wish come true.  And acknowledging her feelings was something good you could do to try and make that dream a reality.  Although you'd probably be wasting your time. 

Eh, still worth a shot.

A/n: who'd be better in a fight, musical Martha, or movie Martha?

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