𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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'Dear diary,' Veronica wrote.  'My teen-angst-bullshit has a body count.  The most popular people in school are dead.  Everybody is sad, but it's a weird kind of sad.  Suicide gave Heather depth, Kurt a soul, Ram a brain... I don't know what it's given me, but I've got no control over myself when I'm with JD.  Are we going to prom, or Hell?'

Veronica moved her diary to her bag, and began to make her way to the caf.  Before she could enter, she watched as Ms. Flemming entered, a determined look in her eye.  You were sitting at JD's table holding hands, and Duke and McNamara were sitting at the Heathers' table.

"Attention," Ms. Flemming shouted.  "Attention students of Westerberg!  Attention please!  This school has been torn apart by tragedy!  I'm here to fuse it back again, with togetherness!  I want everyone to clasp hands!  We need to connect this cafeteria into one big circuit!  Look, here's the TV crew!  EVERYONE LOCK YOUR PAWS!!"

You looked over to Martha.  You knew she hated cameras, and after the stunt with the note, you knew her self esteem was at an all time low.  Which explained why you witnessed her duck under a table.  You frowned, a little sad that she thought such drastic measures were required.  But, thanks to your sister and her friends were so bitchy all the time, you couldn't go comfort her.

"Looks like Ms. Phlegm's on another one of her crusades again," Veronica said.

"Looks like this one'll be a success though," McNamara stated.

Duke wasn't listening.  She was more focused on the camera that was coming towards her.  The reporter smiled at her, and held out the microphone to her.

"Hi, what's your name," the reporter asked.

"Hi, I'm Heather Duke," she greeted, giving a quick curtsey to the camera.

You and JD stood up to join in the flea circus.  JD wrapped his arm around your waist, and held you in a tight embrace. 

"Is this any form of therapeutic for you," he asked.

"Yeah, actually.  I just wish they didn't exploit this for whatever news channel this is going to play on," you answered.

"Fair.  So I was wondering, do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight?"

"I don't know if I can stay for dinner, but I can definitely come over after school.  I doubt my sister will miss me."

You looked at the cameras, which were recording this chaos.  People were holding hands, shouting, spinning each other around, and everyone was just being generally happy.  It was a strange sight to see.  Everyone in Westerberg getting along.  Even strangers were treating each other like old friends.  You were honestly happy to be a part of this.

"Wonderful, isn't it?!  Everyone's actually tolerating each other," JD exclaimed.

"Exactly!  This is amazing!"

You grabbed his hand and pulled him further into the madness.  You were dancing around, just having a fun time with all of your peers.  Well, all but one.  Peter Dawson was making his way over to Ms. Flemming.

"I'm going to need a VHS copy of this by Monday for my Princeton application," he told her.

Ms. Flemming just stared at him, flabbergasted.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter.  But I felt bad filling a chapter with bullshit filler to make it longer, so... suck it up I guess.

Also, there is three possible endings I could use, and I'm leaning towards the darker one, but it's batshit crazy as well.

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