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On the edge of town, in a tucked away corner where hardly anyone went willingly, was a small church.  Vines crawled up the walls, and trees surrounded the back, so while the front yard and flower beds seemed cheery and well lit, the church itself seemed gloomy and depressing.  Dead, almost.  Maybe that's why it was the best place for Heather Chandler's funeral.

Inside the church, there was only one grand room, with a large stage in front of a stained glass window.  When the sun was positioned just right, the room was painted in hues of gold, yellow, red, and neon orange.  Today, it would have been beautiful if it weren't for the circumstances.  

When the Sawyer family entered the church, your sister departed to sit with the remaining Heathers.'  Your parents went and sat in between some people, where there wasn't a third seat.  So you were left standing alone.  That was, until JD walked in.  You were still slightly offput by his interaction with his dad and the reversed roles, and the whole 'library in Texas thing.'  But he walked up to you, and invited you to sit in the back with him.  You had no better options.

"I blame not Heather," the priest began.  "But rather a society that tells its youth that answers can be found in the M.T.V., video games... we must pray that the other teenagers of Sherwood Ohio know the name of that righteous dude who can solve all their problems.  It's Jesus Christ!  And he's in the book!"

Everyone in the room let out a half-hearted 'amen,' and you looked down on your feet.  As much as you disliked Heather, even she didn't deserve this.  At least her popularity had spiked, meaning she could go out with a bang.

The priest then welcomed friends of he deceased to go and say a final goodbyes.  You, the Heathers,' Ram n' Kurt, and Peter Dawson rose from your seats to say a final farewell.  You all formed a line, and you were towards the back.  Although you would probably say a silent prayer or some shit, not needing closure for anything.

Heather McNamara was first.  She made her way up on the stage, the priest stepped to the side so McNamara could kneel beside the coffin, granting her a full display of Heather's permanent resting bitch face.

'Oh god, this is a tragic thing,' McNamara prayed.  'And sometimes I have a hard time dealing with it and stuff.  Please send Heather to heaven and all that...'

Peter was next, with a prayer that would seem quite unusual compared to anything you'd expect from him.

'Dear god, please make sure this never happens to me.  I don't think I can handle suicide.  Plus, early acceptance into an Ivy League school, and please let it be Harvard.  Amen.'

Duke followed, with a prayer that showed just how much the constant nagging and degrading from Chandler was messing with her mind.

'I prayed for the death of Heather Chandler many times.  And I felt bad every time I did it, but I kept doing it anyway... now I know you understood everything!  Hallelujah, praise Jesus!'

Ram went after Duke, somehow horny at a funeral.

'Jesus, god in heaven,' Ram began, crossing himself.  'Why d'ya have to kill such a hot snatch?  Ha ha... just a joke man.  Jeez, people are so serious.  Uh, hail Mary and those who aren't in heaven, bless us sinners so we don't get caught... ha ha, another joke man...'

Veronica was the final prayer for this chapter, the irony was somewhat amusing.  The killer claiming to be a friend and saying a goodbye in front of everyone at the funeral.

'Hi.  I'm sorry.  Technically, I did not kill Heather Chandler.  But hey, who am I trying to kid, right?  I just want my high school to be a nice place... amen, did that sound bitchy?'

The sermon finished, and you went to go find JD.  It seemed that at a time people were supposed to come together for support, your family seemed to care about you even less.  But for as strange as he was, JD was there for you throughout this so far.  You knew you could rely on him.  You searched through the crowds of people, and you found him standing in a corner.  He watching Veronica as she talked to McNamara, who was cooling herself with holy water.

Oh.  So he didn't really care for you.  He was doing this for Veronica.  Trespassing at ungodly hours just to play a game of croquet with you was strange tactic, but maybe he thought that if he got really close to you, you'd try to get them to get along with each other by forcing them to hang out, which in the end meant more time with Veronica.

Didn't matter how you spin it, he had just been settling for you.  It was a tale as old as time.  You were just Veronica's sibling, even to him.  You were in her shadow.  No one truly liked you, and now the closest person you had to a best friend other than Martha was going to be buried in a few hours.  Life couldn't get any worse, could it?

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα