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You managed to get off the motorcycle with much more ease this time, and you followed JD into the Snappy Snack Shack.

"So, what size and flavor," JD asked.

"[size] [flavor] please," you requested quietly.

"You sound upset, everything okay," JD interrogated.

"Yeah, as okay as I can be when my sister's best friend just got put in the ground."

"There's something more to it.  What's really wrong?"

"Why were you looking at Veronica like that at the funeral?  I know what's going on, it happens all the time.  You want Veronica, right?  I'm just the way for you to get close to her."

"What?  No, I love you.  I was waiting to ask her something."

"And why do you keep saying you love me, you've only known me for three days."

"Five, actually," he corrected.  "And it's because I do love you.  I want your ugly, I want your drama, I want your everything.  I want you.  I need you.  I want to write a bad romance with you."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because, wherever you are, I won't be far to follow.  I'm never gonna let you let me leave, and if it looks like I did, I'm probably just waiting outside.  I love you, and you're never getting rid of me."

"That is both terrifying and endearing," you smiled.

"Well, I think it gets my point across," JD replied.  "So, tell me again what flavor you wanted?"

You got your slushie, and of course, JD was a total gentleman and didn't let you pay.  He lead you outside, but the two of you wound up on a bench in front of a window than driving home.  You were sitting next to each other, huddling up since it was brisk out.  Not cold, but not the warmest either.  

"So, how do you feel about your date tonight?  Do I have any competition," JD joked.

"Absolutely not.  Somehow I hate Kurt more, and I didn't realize it was possible."

"Wow, that bad, huh."

"Yeah.  Why do you like slushies so much?  They taste good, but you seem to have an addiction."

"Well, when my mom was still alive, we lived halfway normal.  Then she passed, and it was just me and my dad.  I learned that in my concrete oasis of this gas station chain, I can freeze my brain with a slushie.  Drown out the pain with more pain, and you manage to find happiness," JD explained.

You just stared, mouth agape.  You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it wasn't that.  But, you couldn't say anything, since he had merely been answering your question.  

"So, it's not an addiction, it's a coping mechanism," you spoke.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Thanks for getting me away from that double date thing.  It was atrocious."


"Seriously.  You're like my own personal Superman."

JD smiled at you, and you leaned in closer to him.  It was only getting colder, but you didn't want to go home just yet.  Plus, you knew you were going to be getting an earful from Veronica for abandoning Heather and Kurt.  Sadly, you had to get home.  You had school tomorrow, and you didn't want to oversleep by accident.  Veronica would hand your ass to you if you did.

You two got back on the bike, and you immediately latched on to JD's waist.  You had learned that you didn't feel comfortable riding on this thing, especially the way JD would drive.  It was always like a bullet rather than a motorcycle.  You did not feel safe at all.

"Alright, so is there anything else you want to do while you're out of the house," he asked.

"No, thank you though."

He slid your slushies into a cupholder, and took off at what felt like the speed of light.  You felt guilty saying anything though, since he didn't need to give you a ride at all.  You knew it was irrational and that he wouldn't mind, but you were still nervous.  So you kept your mouth shut and just held on to him tighter.

Soon enough, he was pulling in to your driveway, and you could see a light on in your room.  Heather had probably called Veronica to tell her what happened, and she was most likely waiting in there to chew you out.  Shit, you'd probably be waking Martha up by the time you could call her.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow," JD told you.

He kissed you on the forehead and helped you off the bike, and then drove off into the night, leaving as quickly as you had come.  You looked up at your window nervously, and began to make your way inside.

Low and behold, when you got to your room, Veronica was sitting on your bed, legs crossed and a resting bitch look blessing her face.  You could almost see the fire in her eyes and the smoke pouring from her ears.

"Where the hell is Kurt," she asked, fuming.

"Before you get mad, I ended up on a date with someone else," you said quickly.  "Kurt was drunk and unconscious, and this guy was actually nice to me."

"That's not the point!  You weren't doing this to be happy, you were doing this since you're a Heather!  I brought you to the top, why can't you do anything to stay there?!"

God, Veronica really sounded like Chandler right about now.

"Well, maybe I don't want to be on the top," you said quietly, your own anger beginning to shine through.  "Maybe I want to go watch 'The Princess Bride' with Martha, or get a slushie with JD.  Maybe I don't want to sleep with Kurt."

"And why's that, hm?!  You'd rather be a nobody who get's walked all over by everyone?!  You'd rather get bullied everyday?!  And for what?!  Why (y/n), why?!"

"Because you're all a bunch of assholes!  I never wanted this, you did!  You just dragged me along!"

Veronica didn't say another word.  She rose from her spot on the bed, and strutted over to you.  The amount of anger in her eyes were terrifying.  Then she slapped you.  Square on the cheek, and she hit you hard enough that it would leave a mark, at least for tonight.  Then she left without making a peep.  Once she was in the hallway, you closed the door and collapsed to the floor, rubbing your sore face.  Tears pricked at your eyes, and it wasn't long till they began to spill.

When you had said 'this couldn't get any worse,' you didn't mean it as a challenge.

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