𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Veronica made her way to the back of the school, JD going to a different route.  He pulled out his gun to load the Ich Luge bullets.  He had given one to Veronica, and even cocked it so she could fire it immediately.  He had planned everything perfectly, now Veronica just needed to pull through.  He had even figured out what she needed to say and gave her another notecard with the rundown of what she had to say.

Soon enough, Kurt arrived, Ram following.  The two saw Veronica, and their mood soured a little.  But while (y/n) was what they wanted, the two could settle for Veronica.

"Hey guys," Veronica said, trying to be seductive.  "Glad you could make it~"

"Hi Veronica," Kurt greeted.

"Sorry my sibling couldn't make it, but we didn't want to leave you all alone~"

"So do we just whip it out, or..." Ram trailed off.

"Well, I made a circle on each side of the clearing.  Kurt, over there," Veronica instructed, pointing.  "Ram, there.  When you get to the circle, strip!"

"What about your clothes," Kurt questioned.

"I was hoping you could rip my clothes off me, sport~"

And with that, Kurt and Ram smirked at each other, and began to make their way to their way to their designated circles.  Once they made it the two practically ripped off their jackets and shirts.  The two were grabbing at the waistline of their pants, and once they hit the ground and the boys were only in their undergarments, Veronica began to count down.

"Why don't you two come get me in one... two..."

"THREE," JD screeched, jumping out from behind a tree.

JD pointed his gun, and managed to shoot Ram right in the heart.  It was in the right artery, and Ram fell to his knees, blood rising up his throat.  He was struggling to keep it inside of him, and by the time he hit the ground, he was dead.  Veronica fired at Kurt, but she accidentally fired right into a pile of leaves.  Kurt took off running, fearing for his life.

Veronica aimed the gun to fire again, but burst into laughter seeing Kurt so scared.  She knew that Ram was only asleep, so this was just comedic.  She didn't fire again, and she was laughing so hard she damn near dropped the weapon.

"You missed him completely," JD shouted.

"Yeah, but did you see the look on his face?!  It was so worth it!  Besides, (y/n)'s a little shit, this is good enough for them!"

"Don't move," JD demanded darkly.

And with that, he took off running, following Kurt.  He followed him into the thick woods that were behind the school, surprised by how little the jock was screaming and shouting.  Maybe, thanks to football, he knew that talking or shouting while running helped you run out of breath quicker.  And in this situation, you wanted to be going as fast as possible for as long as possible.  Sadly for Kurt, JD was quicker.

Veronica sat next to Ram, watching his dull eyes as they stared into the blue cloudless abyss known as the sky.  She poked his cheek, and felt some nerves appear when he didn't respond.  She held her finger under his nose, and began to panic when she realized he wasn't breathing.

"Ram, you can wake up now," she told him.  "This isn't funny anymore."

Of course, a corpse can't wake up, nor reply to her requests.

JD finally caught up to Kurt, grabbed his shoulder, and violently pulled him backwards.  Kurt hit the ground with a large thud, and he looked up at JD, fearing him like someone may fear the grim reaper.

"Why are you doing this," Kurt practically cried out.

"Let's just say my lover get's to choose who lives or dies.  Like god."

And with that, JD aimed at Kurt's neck, and fired.  Within a matter of seconds, Kurt was dead.

"Ram, wake the fuck up," Veronica said, smacking his chest.

Then she saw movement from the corner of her eye coming from the treeline.  Looking up, she saw that JD was coming out of the woods, dragging Kurt's body by the feet.  She glared at him, knowing that she was tricked.  But it's not like she could do anything about it now.  Screaming at Jason Dean wouldn't bring back the dead.

And sadly, neither could the cops that were hurrying to the scene after someone called in a hot tip saying they heard gun shots. 

JD had finished leaving their 'artifacts' littered around, and even moved the gun to Kurt's left hand.  Every detail here mattered.  He left the note in Ram's left hand, grabbed Veronica, and ran back to his bike.  The two were long gone by the time officer Milner and officer McCord arrived.

"Mother of shit," McCord shouted once he saw the crime scene.  "Call in!"

"Yeah, this is officer Milner," he said into his radio.  "I've got two bodies in the woods behind Westerberg High."

"Suicide... double suicide..." McCord trailed off.  "They shot each other..."

"Hey, that's Kurt Kelly," Milner pointed out.  "And the line backer, Ram Sweeney!  My god, suicide, why?"

"Oh man, were they fags," McCord questioned, holding up the bottle of mineral water.

"Listen up," Milner said, grabbing the note and reading it aloud.  "'We realized we could never reveal our forbidden love to an uncaring and un-understanding world.'"

"Jesus H. Christ..."

"The quarter back, buggering the line backer.  What a waste."

"Oh, the humanity!"

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)Where stories live. Discover now