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It was lunchtime, and the time of the day where they needed the question for the lunchtime poll.  You were sent to go find out the question, having been told that the yearbook crew had thought of it since Heather C was no longer around to think of one.  The Heathers' sent you, but you weren't exactly sure why.  Maybe it's since Chandler always brought you with to do the polling, so you were the most competent for this job now.

You made your way into the classroom that was being used as the yearbook headquarters, and saw the yearbook president, Ms. Daphne Elliott.  You saw her discussing something with Peter Dawson, and when you made your way inside, you heard what they were talking about.

"I'm not belittling 'the Foodless Fund' Peter," Daphne told him.  "It's just that... we're talking teenage suicide here.  Ask Alison!  The number one song in America today is 'Teenage Suicide, Don't Do It' by Big Fun.  Jesus man, Westerberg finally got one of these things, I'm not gonna waste it!"

"Great, so Heather get's the front page while I'm crammed next to the Taco Bell coupons," Peter groaned.

"Hey guys," you greeted.  "Came to get the lunchtime poll topic."

"Don't worry about it (y/n)," Daphne began.  "The funeral yesterday must've been really rough, eh?"

"Yeah," you answered.

"We were wondering if you had any poems, artworks Heather did that we can put in the Heather Chandler yearbook spread," Daphne informed you.

"The what?"

"Take a look," Daphne said.

She pointed at a desk where an array of photos, small art pieces from art class, and cut out scribbles and doodles from old worksheets teachers still had since they never graded them.  It was a large spread of things to commemorate Heather Chandler.

"It's a two page layout, with her suicide note right here in the corner.  It's more tasteful than it sounds," Daphne explained.

"I don't know, this idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth," you told her.

"Like last night," Daphne asked.

"Excuse me?  What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you did it last night," Daphne elaborated.  "Kurt told us about your little date."

"Yeah, and?  He got drunk and fell asleep in cow shit, so I left."

"Well, I don't know, he was really detailed..." Daphne trailed off.

"Shut up Daphne," Peter demanded.

"No, don't shut up, I want to know exactly what I did."

Peter just stared at you, remorse filling his eyes.  You were too sweet, and you had no reason to lie.  You didn't have a single evil bone in your body, and he'd take your word over Kurt's any day.  Daphne on the other hand, she thrived on drama.  So of course, she would withhold information for as long as possible.

"Come on (y/n), I'll show you the lunchtime poll topic," Peter said, leading you away from Daphne.

He lead you outside the room, and once the door was shut, you grabbed his arm and looked him dead in the eyes.  

"What the fuck is going on," you asked.

"Okay, I hardly listen to neanderthals such as Kurt Kelly," he began.  "But he said that he and Ram had a sword fight in your mouth last night."

You gagged, and began to let out a string of curses aimed at Kurt.  You thanked Peter and rushed to find your alibi, Jason Dean.  Plus, he knew how to calm you down.  You ran to the lunchroom, knowing what table he'd be at.  You practically threw the doors open, and made your way over to the lonely table, and JD looked up at you and smiled.

"Greetings and salutations, how are you on this lovely day?"

"Shitty.  Kurt's been telling everyone that he, Ram, and I had a three-way last night."

"But that's impossible, you went with me," he said, very confused.

"Exactly.  You watched him fall asleep, right?  You know neither of them did anything.  But everyone else..."

"Who else knows?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to assume a lot of people."

"Is there anything you want to do about it?  Petty revenge, violent actions, anything?"

"I don't think so.  I'd be just as bad as him if I did that.  Besides, they were drunk, and I'm a Heather.  For once, the title pays off," you explained.

"Give me a moment, I'll be right back."

He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead, and stood up, making his way over to where Veronica was sitting.  The living Heathers' were getting lunch, and you just sat and watched.

JD walked up to the Heathers' table confidently, and took a seat across from Veronica.  His superhero cape of a coat was flowing behind him.  

"So, I need a little help," he told her.

"No, I'm not helping you kill someone again," Veronica whispered sternly.

"That was an accident.  Besides, are you willing to let people just mess with your sibling?"

"Let them.  I don't give a flying fuck about their ungrateful ass," Veronica informed him.

"Even Kurt and Ram saying that they had a three-way," JD interrogated.

"Even that.  They shouldn't have left, they can get themself out of this problem.  Besides, they were with you, so even if the rumor spreads, it's not like it actually happened."

"Wow, you're really just a petty bitch," JD muttered.

"What did you say?"

That struck a nerve.  Veronica knew that the Heathers' were assholes, but someone pointing it out was never good thing to do.  And to be called petty by her crush... it was like something she couldn't just ignore or talk her way around.

"Fine.  What were you thinking."

"It's hard to explain, I'll swing by your house later and just show you.  Thank you for your reconsideration."

JD stood up from his seat, and made his way back to where you were sitting.  He smiled at you, grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it, and looked you in the eyes.

"Don't worry, I've got this all figured out.  Everything's going to be just fine," he reassured you.

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