Chapter 77

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I noticed a very funny thing.. 3 different people had the same reaction on 3 different fics of mine... "JIMIN NO-" lmao

SUPER DUPER LONG CHAPTER AHEAD......... It took a lot of thought and research into creating a perfect date and a hell lot of time too..... it's a cute chapter, I hope you like itttttt

Y/n's POV:

"No I don't mind" Jimin breathed into my ear as soon as Taehyung took his leave to freshen up.

"Huh?" I looked up at him, making our heads collide, "ow-"

"Ouch- I'm sorry-" he rubbed his head.

"No it's my fault" I said as Jimin's other hand reached out to my forehead and caressed it, "wh- what were you saying?"

"I don't mind you going on a date with him"


"I mean, of course I don't really have a say in who you wish to go out with, but I saw the look on your face so I just wanna assure you that it's cool."

"So umm- you uh- you aren't interested in- in me?"

"NO WHAT THE FUCK- I am very much interested in you y/n" he said immediately, "I'm all about you, really.. from the moment you took my drink.. I can't even think about not being interested in you.. you're all I know-" I noticed a few heads turn in our direction but I was too busy blushing to give a shit.

"Okay" I said in a low voice and looked down. My cheeks were on fire.

He put his hands on my shoulders, "but I know you are confused."

"You do?"

He nodded, "you should take your time.. I can see how your heart is scattered.. take as much time as you need.. go out with Taehyung or Jungkook or even me occasionally but always know that whatever happens, I'm here.. I'll wait."

"You can't be serious.."

"I am, I want to be with you, but I also don't want you to regret in any way.. I want you to be contended with whatever decision you make.."

I had to blink continuously with wide eyes because Jimin's little speech was making me a tad bit emotional, "thank you Jimin.. I- I don't even know what to say-"

"You don't have to say anything" he chuckled, "I'm not giving you up in any way... but I love- like, I like you enough and respect you enough to let you go if needed."

I felt my lips turn up into a grin, "can I give you a hug?"

"Only if you never ask before hugging, ever again"

"Can I join the hugs? Please?" I heard Jungkook's sleepy voice behind me.

I turned to look at him, "of course baby, why do you look sad?"

He shrugged and waddled over.

"Come on in" Jimin tried to put his arm over Jungkook but since Jungkook's taller, he engulfed both of us together, "I hate tall people."

Jungkook grinned, "I love small people."

"So you made out with Jimin last night and today you have a date with Taehyung?" HyeMin asked for the third time.

"I didn't make out with him.. we just kissed... thrice.."

MinWoo still looked in shock and I had to spray my facial mist on his face to wake him up from his daze, "I didnt think you'd take my advice for real.. I'm so-"

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