Chapter 14

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"It's crazy out here" I said, "everyone's crazy."

"Yeah? Well Jin did mention how you climbed atop a table and literally asked everyone to stay out of your business." he laughed, "that is so expected of you y/n."

"Yahhh oppa, what could have I done?" I asked, "they were literally on my head."

"Well, I'm proud of you little sister" he said, "all the best for the days to come. Oh and do call mom and dad once you're back home."

"Yes okay, love you oppa" I said.

"Take care y/n-ieee"

Jungkook had already set the table while I was talking to Ji- hoo oppa. He smiled at me as I helped carry the food.

"Do you miss home?" he asked.

"Yeah a little" I said.

He nodded, "how's everyone back home?"

"All good" I said, "wait, why have you put six plates?"

"Ah, Namjoon is joining us" Jin oppa said, sitting down, "he's about to reach."

"Namjoon who?" I whispered to Jungkook.

"Jimin's brother" he said, "well step brother. But they're pretty close."

Great, just what I needed.. Jimin's relatives around me...

"Honey this tastes amazing" auntie said, "you cooked it all by yourself? No help from Jin?"

Uncle looked super proud, "do you really think I made it up to Jin's level?" he asked expectantly.

"Yes oh my god, this is so good." she said.

"Nah mom, he didn't take any help from me." Jin oppa said.

"Wow, well done" she smiled at her husband who beamed.

"Ah there you are Namjoon hyung" Jungkook said.

I whipped my head to see this hunk-ish, muscular, gorgeous guy with dragon shaped eyes and glasses that made him look like a sexy nerd or something. He bowed and smiled to auntie and uncle and said hi to Jungkook and Jin oppa. Well, wow.. those dimples are definitely something.

"Hyung that's y/n" Jungkook said.

"Y/n- I think I've heard of you before" he said, "well anyway, it's great to meet you y/n" he smiled.

"Great to meet you too Namjoon oppa" I smiled back.. well, obviously you've heard of me..

"Yeah she's famous already" Jungkook said.

"Please, Namjoon would be the last person to know about that. He's always engrossed in books." Jin oppa said.

"I think Jimin mentioned something related to a y/n today- he said he had to tell me something, two things actually- something related to Taehyung and y/n." Namjoon oppa said, "are you perhaps the same y/n?"

"Well, if Jimin is involved then yes, most definitely the same y/n" Jin oppa said and I poked my tongue out at him, "god, you've got to hear this-"

"Kids, food first" auntie said and all of us obliged.

"So how was the first day y/n?" auntie asked.

"Exhausting" I said, "a lot of things were happening at once."

"Aw, didn't Jungkook help you around?" she asked.

I looked at him, "yeah he did, but it was still kinda weird."

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