Chapter 9

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"Damn, her?"

"Oh my god, this shit is giving me a headache."

"And he just gave it?"

"I can't believe Mi cha hasn't reacted to this.. this is gonna be fun."

"I'm sure it's a rumor guys."

"Yeah I agree, I mean why would Jimin share his drink with her? Jungkook was literally with her the entire night."

"That reminds me, do you think they're dating?"

"They look cute together."

"Ugh- excuse me? I'm in love with Jungkook."

"She'd look good with Jimin too, in case that really happened."

"Who even started spreading this thing?"

"She was even dancing with Jung Hoseok."

"I mean, sure he's fine as fuck but also gay.."

"She's cute though."

"Do they realize we can hear them?" I asked Jungkook, "I don't understand why you won't let me reply to them."

"Undue attention y/n.. they're just annoying nobodys, they won't even remember all this beyond half day." he said.

"Who the fuck is this Jimin dude anyway? Nobody shared their drink with me." I said, "what bullshit is this?"

"Fuck it, don't pay attention to it." Jungkook said, "keep walking, you really don't wanna get into fights on the first day.. and if I'm hearing this correct- it is very likely that a fight would commence soon. It's literally on its way."

"A fight?" I laughed, "what for?"

"You remember I told you about Mi-"

"Y/n!! Jungkook!!!" a guy came running, "I was hoping I'd find you."

"Min woo" I smiled, "how're you?"

"Forget me, how did you get home last night? Honestly, I tried following you around but I couldn't after one point.. Plus you were scary when you asked me to get lost." he said and looked at me from head to toe, "and girl, let me say this- you can totally rock both sexy and cute." he nodded his head in approval and I grinned.

"I got her home, thank god I found her" Jungkook said, "with your crush."

"Taehyung? Oh my god, you were with Taehyung?" he held my shoulders, "I just got a glimpse of him last night.. Did he look hot?"

"A fucking meal" I said, "I love your choice in men."

"But still an asshole" Jungkook said then looked at his phone, "fuck- I'm late for practice. Y/n, meet me in the cafeteria in the fifth period?" he pleaded with his eyes.

"Yeah okay, I'm free then." I said.

"Great" he bumped his head with mine- something we always did whenever we came to a mutual understanding.. When we were young, it was very difficult for us to agree to a common thing and it was usually our moms who would suffer because we always used to fight.. It was more of a muscle memory, to bump heads. "Oh and- Min woo? Help her find her first class please?"

"Don't mention it." Min woo smiled.

"Well now that he's gone" I said, "what is the deal with the Jimin rumor about me?"

"That." he said, "Do you remember when you were jealous of Jungkook and that girl?"

"I wasn't jealous, but go on"

"And you went to the bar to get a drink but ended up finishing a random person's drink?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Ugh don't tell me-"

"Yep, that was Jimin.." he said.

"Oh god, I didn't even look at the dude's face" I said.

He chuckled, "and obviously people saw you doing that. They always have their eyes on Jimin"

"Oh I get it now- that's why Hoseok oppa went all 'if someone saw you take his drink you're gonna have a great first day' or something like that" I said, "as if people seeing me with Jungkook wasn't enough."

"About that, I heard you danced with the Jung Hoseok- it is my ultimate dream to dance with him- you're like the luckiest newbie y/n.. Best friends with Jungkook, danced with Jung Hoseok before you even started college, which means you'll be friends with Min Yoongi too soon, Jin hyung is probably like a brother to you, spoke to Taehyung on the first day, drank from Jimin's glass... Damn." he sighed.

"You're a weird tiny man Min woo" I said, "come on now, we're late."

Apparently, classes weren't free of gossip either, everybody knew me, they had already divided themselves into groups of those who disliked me and those who were in awe of me- for what reason, I do not know.

But the professors were amazing, very skilled in their subjects- they taught so well, I was almost transported into another world.

The university was huge, and the classes were from one corner to the other. My feet had started aching by the time I had to go to the third lecture.

We were all waiting for the lecture to start. I was jotting down some pointers from the previous class when three girls approached me, I recognized the one in the centre immediately;

"So you're y/n?" the one on the left with a very- let me emphasize on that- VERY whiny voice said.

"Yeah" I simply said.

"So you're Jeon Jungkook's best friend?" the right one said. All these girls were pretty, but this one was the prettiest. She even seemed the least obnoxious of all.

"That'd be me." I said.

"Look at you acting so smug. Who do you think you-"

"Now now, S- she's new. Let's not be so rude to our guests, honey." the middle one said in a very sweet voice.

I simply sat back, crossed my arms , raised my eyebrows and listened to them,

"Hi, I'm Mi cha" she introduced herself and beamed.

"And I'm-" the one on the right was about to say something but Mi cha cut her off.

"Yeah honey, no one cares." Mi cha said and sat on the desk in front of me, "so- y/n is it?"

"Yeah? How may I help you?" I asked.

"Oh come on, why are you being so uptight? I'm here to be friends with you." she said.

"Sure, friends." I said, remembering my conversation with Jungkook. I called her the hottest girl ever and he said her gang is like the plastics but worse. Honestly, I'm not a fan of fights, but everybody loves drama right?

"I'm sure you've heard of the rumors flying around" she started, "you know the ones that claim that Jimin shared his drink with you?"

I just nodded, I wanted to see where this was going. She was probably waiting for me to say something, but when I didn't, she made a face and continued.

"About that-so, I was wondering how true that is?" she asked.

"Good morning everyone" the professor had entered.

"I would love to talk to you about this Mi cha" I faked a smile, "but I believe the class is more important." Oh how much I loved leaving people in suspense.

She faked a wider smile, "yeah sure, let's talk later. Properly eh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Sure. See you."

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