Chapter 24

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Y/n's POV:

I was having a dream when the alarm woke me up- I was in a desert with Hobi oppa, trying to escape the heat but there was sand everywhere. He was looking as fashionable as always.. For some reason, I feel like nothing would ever bother him, he would always look flawless...

Anyway, I was parched when I opened my eyes. Since the curtains were drawn, the room was still dark. I contemplated going back to sleep but then I realized I'm still at Jungkook's and I have college in two hours.

Thankfully Mrs. Jeon always keeps a spare toothbrush in the guest room. So I brushed my teeth, washed my face and freshened up. 

I tiptoed down to the kitchen, careful not to wake anyone up in case they were still asleep. I was still wearing only Jungkook's t-shirt- which was long enough to pass as a dress, even though it was way above my knees, it wasn't anything obscene-, my hair were a mess, my eyes probably looked swollen- I really didn't want anyone to see raccoon y/n.

Apparently nobody was up, I headed over to the refrigerator to get some water and noticed a note stuck to it;

               "Jinnie, Kookie- we have some work, will return late tonight- Mom & Dad"

Okay so it's just Jungkook and me in the house... Anyway, I need to get ready and go back to my apartment. 

"WHAT THE-" I gasped, clutching my heart, "JEON JUNGKOOK" I screamed.

He appeared dazed, "Hmm?"

"You creepy asshole- why the fuck were you standing there like a fucking stalker? Do you have any idea how fast my heart is beating right now?" 

Jungkook thought it'd be okay to appear out of nowhere and smirk creepily at me while I drank water. Was he- was he staring at my ass???

"I-I'm sorry" he chuckled nervously, "I literally just came downstairs and saw you and wondered 'who the fuck is wearing my clothes' which is when I realized that I asked you to stay overnight."

"Yes- thank you for letting me stay and giving me your t-shirt" I said, "I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"Why the fuck are you thanking me?" he asked, amused, "also, you look so cute in it" he was looking directly at my boobs.

"Aw, really?" can he tell I'm not wearing a bra?

"No obviously not- you're so tiny my god, y/n" he said, "it's literally falling off your shoulder."

"Pfft- it's not my fault you're so huge" I said and he smirked.

He came closer and stood in front of the refrigerator and me, keeping his hands on the kitchen slab behind him;

"Anyway, why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Tell you what?" 

"Look I know it's a stupid thing to bring up but- but it's just that I thought we shared everything" he said.

"Is this about last night? The blow job thing?" I asked and he nodded, "It just skipped my mind." I said.

"You're lying" he said, "you touch your ear when you lie."

I immediately let my hand fall back to my side and raised my eyebrows, "that is not true."

"Please- I know you okay?" he said.

"Stop staring at my boobs" I said, he wasn't even looking at them now but anything to change the topic.

"I-I'm not?" I obviously noticed how red he had turned.

"Yeah whatever... Well, then why didn't you tell me you made out with someone on the football team?" I said.

"Wha- no one" he shook his head vigorously.

"You're lying too Kookie. I saw you take a sip at that very moment" I said.

"Could've been a coincidence" he said.

"See? That's exactly why I didn't tell you- some things are just.. awkward" I said, "it would've been weird for me to call you and tell you that I gave a blow job to a guy."


"Shut up- this is why I need more female friends" I said.

"Wow, so suddenly I'm not enough for you?" he looked offended and crossed his arms

"You big baby" I ruffled his hair and scrunched my nose, "that's not what I meant-"

"Well then what did you mean?" he said, booping my nose.

"I know we share everything, but there would always be some things I would never be able to tell you" I said, "but that doesn't mean I love you any less..okay?" Oh my god, why is this idiot blushing?

"So you need a female friend for that?" he asked, "I'm literally aware of your period cycle too y/n-iee..."

"You idiot- nobody asked you to do that" I said, chuckling lightly.

"Alright then, make female friends.. whatever" he said, "oh and- I think I lost my phone last night. have you seen it?"

I shook my head, "I don't think it was with you when we got back"

"I should call Jin hyung and ask him to look for it at Jimin's then" he said, "give me your phone" he put his hand out.

"It's in the room- I'll just get it" I said, running upstairs to retrieve my phone.

While going upstairs, I kept thinking about Jungkook's adorable, flushed face when I heard the bell ring.

I could hear another person besides Jungkook, a familiar voice, yet I couldn't quite make out the words.

After getting my phone, I made my way back towards the kitchen but saw Jungkook speaking to someone at the door;

"Yeah whatever, I just wanted to return your phone-" the person said, then saw past Jungkook and looked right at me, "oh y/n?"

"Hey Taehyung" I smiled and said.

He had a very confused, irritated and annoyed look on his face, then I looked down at my clothes and understood what might have caused that reaction....

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