Chapter 64

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Jimin's POV:

"MiCha is cheating on you" HyeMin repeated.

"Yeah I heard you the first time.."

"Can you blame her though?"


"Considering the utter lack of attention she's receiving from you-"

"What do you even mean-"

"Come on Jimin.. all your attention has been going to y/n even though you have a girlfriend.."


"Save it" she held up a hand, "I can't teach you the basics of morality when my own best friend has been cheating on her boyfriend.."

"You're contradicting your own statements here" I said.

"I know, I know" she replied, "I'm just- I don't know what to say.. I don't know how long this has been going on or who she is with-"

"Then how do you know she's cheating on me?"

She took in a shaky breath, "someone sent me a picture two months ago.. it was Mi kissing some guy who clearly wasn't you.. he was.. ehm.. taller-"

I cleared my throat, "go on" even though she just passively insulted me, I couldn't believe I was ACTUALLY looking forward to hearing this. But two months?!? That's long before I let myself be heavily influenced by y/n..

"His face wasn't that clear... I thought maybe it was some old picture, you know ...when she wasn't with you? But then two weeks ago I SAW her with a guy.. again.. I don't know if it was the same guy or not because they vanished behind a building right when I saw them-"

"Wait a minute" I stopped her, "so when all of us met for our 'community date' and you stormed off, you knew?"

She nodded grimly, "it was part of the reason why I was so angry at her.. I mean, how could she do that?"

I blinked a few times, really not believing whatever was happening.. I knew I had no right to be hurt because I was at fault too.. i was falling for someone who wasn't my girlfriend.. But MiCha had been cheating on me long before our relationship became dangly...
"So uhm- did you like- did you-" did you what? What should I even say?!

"Do you wanna sit down?" She asked and I shook my head.

"She told me she wanted to mend our relationship.."

She sighed, "someone else saw her too.. she doesn't know who it was so maybe she was just doing damage control or something-"

"Did you speak to her about it?"

"I tried" she admitted, "I confronted her and she just blew me off.. asked me to mind my own business and stop meddling with hers.. I didn't know what to do.. but I don't think she expected me to come and tell you-"

"Because you're her best friend and you'll stay by her side through thick and thin" I said, "so why are you telling me this?"

"My conscience" she said, "and I know you might've been planning a way out of the relationship already.. also, I think it would've been more embarrassing for you had someone else told you this.. "

I nodded, a surprising light-headedness taking over me. I felt... free..? New..? Different..? Happy..?
"I need to talk to her"

"Don't be too harsh on her" she said as I left to find MiCha, completely ignoring my classes.

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