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Everything happened so fast that Taehyung and Jungkook's mind didn't process the situation at first.. Taehyung was fuming in anger... the different types of anger that the younger never seen before..

This was hurt...This was pain ..

Mr kim got pregnant another women rather than trying to fix his relationship with Taehyung and his mom... on one could imagine what was running through that old man's head..

The whole room was filled with thick silence as no one were talking no words... neither Taekook nor the Mr kim and his family...

"Do you want to leave?" Jungkook asked the elder placing his hand on his thighs as the elder was awfully silent.

Taehyung didn't move a single muscle.. He was been starting off into the space for the past ten minutes clouded by his own thoughts..

Jungkook hated seeing the elder like this.. Taehyung looked so confused, angry and also betrayed.

The dinner was silent as Taehyung and Jungkook didn't utter any single word precise to say they didn't find any suitable word to say anything... they were definitely cringed at that face..

After the dinner Taehyung and didn't excused themselves to the garden as they needed some fresh air... they sat on the bench that was beside the house and a little garden was planted with flowers growing out from it... the night with full stars.. shining brightly in it's full glory. Mr kim and his family was still in side the house..

"I fucking hate him.." Taehyung gritted his teeth.

Jungkook sighed in frustration.." I know.. .. but don't spoil your mood for him.."

"how I'm suppose to not spoil my mood when he does shits like this... he a is fucking bastard... " Taehyung said anger rushing through his veins..

"I think you should talk to him ...." Jungkook suggested.

"Talk to him? You don't know that man well... what makes him he can take care of another child even if he left his own children ? and shin hyen? The filthy bitch only after his money..." Taehyung scoffed at the last part..

The more Jungkook heard what Taehyung was saying and the pain he was sharing with the younger, the more anger Jungkook felt for mr kim.. it was not easy for Taehyung to come all the way to meet him after all this.. and his perfect life with his new wife and his step daughter.

" I'll be right back.." Jungkook stood up from the bench and leaned forward to give a peck on the elder's forehead.

"where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"to do what you should have done long ago.."

Taking steps towards the house.., Jungkook took a deep breath preparing himself for the worst.. If Taehyung wouldn't make his dad understand then Jungkook would have to do. He wasn't going to let mr kim move on with his life with Taehyung tied by the hand.

" uncle kim... no actually mr kim ..'" Jungkook said entering the dinning room . they were all laughing at the table before Jungkook interrupted them.. As the seconds past Jungkook swallowed his nervous feelings ..." Tae hyung is done with you..."

Mr kim chuckled and looked at shin hyen as if Jungkook said a funny joke...

"Excuse me... do you know who I am ?" mr kim raised his eyebrows..

Jungkook shook his head... " I did once.. I don't know what happened to that man who used take care of me and his children as a father.... But sadly you are not him.. I wish you best in taking care of this new baby because you are going to need it as you already failed multiple timed.."

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