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Sorry fro the late update guys.. :( . I was really stuck with my exams and all ... few more days and then i'll get relief from my final sems. 😑😑


Jungkook gently cleaned the wounds on Hoseok's body. He brought the wet cloth to near his lips. Hoseok hissed in pain as Jungkook applied some pressure in that area.

"What happened to you?" Jungkook asked while applying some ointment.

"Leave it alone .. you will make it more worse." Jungkook barked at his hyung who was continuously rubbing his lips through his fingers.

"Taehyung had some problem with some gang members." Hoseok said.

"What kind of problem?" Jungkook asked.

Hoseok sighed," Tae owes some Jackson guy money and he hasn't paid to him yet. We had stopped at Taehyung's house first before going to Irene's place, as he wanted to check on his sister who had back from her aunt's house. We were heading back out when we saw Jackson and his gang waiting for us outside. It was 5 against two completely unfair."

"Where is Taehyung now ?" Jungkook said, tying to avoid sounding too worried about him.

"I dropped him at Irene's house, she probably scolding him now. " Hoseok chuckled," well it's good to them back together."

"Well i can't believe you guys are beaten enough to death.. Ptff and you guys called yourself's gym man and spending hours in gym .. tsk tsk " Jungkook joked and pressed wet towel near his lips, that made Hoseok winced in pain.

Jungkook stayed silent for a moment and started talking again," Why does Taehyung owe this Jackson guy money?"

"They had a bet."

"What kind of bet?" Jungkook asked desperately wanting to know more.

"Last month we went to bike race and Jackson was there. Tae and Jackson made a bet on a bike racer and Taehyung lost. " Hoseok said.

"How much did they bet ?"

"Ummm 500$"

Jungkook shocked hearing the bet amount. "Why would he bet so much when he knows he doesn't have that much money.?"

Hoseok shrugged," He thought he would win."

Jungkook sighed. " Why didn't you offer him the money?" Jungkook asked," You know dad will give it to you if you ask."

"I did offer, but wouldn't take it." Hoseok sighed," He'll figure it out he said. He always does."

"Yeah i guess." Jungkook said.

Jungkook couldn't help but felt pity for Taehyung. He knew Taehyung had problems with his family. mainly financially, so Jungkook understood why he would make the bet thinking he would win.

Taehyung only had his mom and his sister Taeshi. He had to take care of them since he was sixteen. His father left them and got remarried to some other woman and lives with her ad her daughter.

"I had to do something." Jungkook thought to himself. He couldn't let Taehyung get hurt over some stupid bet he made. Whether Taehyung wanted his help or not he was getting it.


Today Jungkook was going to college after the vacation . Jungkook couldn't decide what to wear . Jungkook had only 15 minute to get ready before Taehyung would come and pick Hoseok and him up.

"Jungkook are you ready?" hoseok asked from the downstairs." Tae is almost here."

"No i need more time." Jungkook shouted from his room. Groaning in frustration he grabbed a black loose trouser, a white oversize t shirt and a black sleeveless vest on it.

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