Be my Valentine 🔞

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Michael was nervous as he wants to ask Jake to be his valentine. He wanted them to go to this party that was due the 14th that was basically tomorrow. He has only the rest of today to ask Jake out. But what he was rejected? What if jake already has a valentine? These questions ran through his head and he began to panic.

Laurie was sick of his shit had has been waiting for her brother to finally ask the raven friend of hers out. But it seems to her that he was to much of a pussy to even go through with it. But she wasn't really one to talk as she has been constantly avoiding on asking Carrie White out for days as well. So it must run in the family then.

Jake would often wait for Michael to make the first move but he was getting bored. So when they all had to go to college Jake went to classroom that Michael was in a looked pissed. Slamming his hand on the table he said with venom, "Be my fucking valentine NOW!" In which had caught many off gaurd especially Michael who just nods as his face became all flustered. Smirking Jake waves at Michael before leaving the room secretly planning on how to make the older seem more comfortable around him. And that's when an idea had hit him.

Michael was so embarrassed he felt like crawling into a hole and die there. Laurie saw all of that and laughter at his misery once it was break. "Wait so he had made the first move and you got scared?!" She yelled at her poor brother who growls and storms off to her crush. Which made her pelagic as Carrie had come over to her smiling. "Of course I'll be your valentine you should of asked Laurie Boo." The redhead giggles as Laurie blushed hugging her.

Michael rolled his eyes going away from them. The whole day went on as usual he didn't know what he was supposed to do so he went out to at least get a suit. While Laurie had came with him to get a dress for herself.

Valentines day has finally came and the college was closed for the day as the kids are going to be to busy gor the night to get the building ready. So many students stayed back to work on the party in the college.

Jake was in a black, short dress that actually showed a lot of skin as well had lingerie underneath. While Michael wore a plain black, button up shirt along with a black blazer. It was nothing original really he was mostly wearing all black since it was his favourite shade.

When it had gotten dark crowds of people had shown up with their date. Laurie literally acted like a cocky teen as she showed Carrie of to everyone making sure that they all know that she was taken by her. Michael was at the table where the food and drinks are at waiting for Jake to show up. It was tiring and he almost wanted to give up as he began to think that Jake had decided to just ditch him. But when the man did come, oh boy all eyes had suddenly wondered to the raven. Who in all honesty looked as fine as hell, even more sexy than the chick's that had already arrived.

"W-wow." Was all that Michael could say as he saw Jake looking at him like prey. So he merely turned his head away as a flush of red rose on his cheeks. Jake had found that reaction cute as he struts in his black high heels, as all eyes stayed on him. He hissed at the unwanted attention causing many to look away and going back to what they where originally doing.

"Well Mikey how was your day been?" He asked starting up a friendly conversation. Michael looked as if he was going to pass out at any given moment now. Normally he wouldn't be this readable or show this much emotion, but it's just Jake had this way of getting him all flustered and whiny at times.

Jake licks his lips surductively as Michael was trying to keep a raging bones down. 'How can you torture me like this Jake!' The older thought trying to hide it with his hands to seem like he was just shy. To which the younger caught on and smirked to himself as he got closer. Chest to Chest with Michael guiding the flustered man's hands to his ass as he slowly grinds himself into Michael's crouch. "How can someone who seems so heartless be so cute and tempting?" Jake purrs into Michael's ear as the loud music covered their conversation.

Everyone was already drunk as the party kept going. Michael and Jake where hidden form sight as they kissed. "Ah M-Michael I need you~" Jake moans out slipping his hand inside Michael's trousers and boxers. Right now lust had shroud the two's minds as they taste every bit of each other.

Clothes carelessly cast away on the flour, as the sound of skin to skin could barely be made out. As both Jake and Michael claim each other, make love with one another. Until the night was over as they leave together to Jake's house to continue where they had left of.

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