The Pandorica Opens

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"Vavoom!" the Doctor exclaimed. "Va-what?" Amy questioned. I looked up at the Doctor from the other side of the console. "I can't believe I've never thought of this before. It's genius. Right. Landed. Come on." he grabbed his coat and motioned for us to come to him. "But where are we?" I asked, walking to his side. "Planet One. The oldest planet in the universe. And there's a cliff of pure diamond, and according to legend, on the cliff there's writing. Letters fifty feet high. A message from the dawn of time And no one knows what it says, because no one's ever translated it." he grinned, "Till today."

"What happens today?" Amy asked. "Us. The tardis can translate anything. All we have to do is open the doors and read the very first words in recorded history." We opened the tardis door to be greeted by fifty feet high words 'Hello Sweeties'.


The Tardis materialized. "Right place?" Amy questioned. "Just followed the co-ordinates on the cliff face. Earth. Britain. One- oh two am. No, pm. No, AD. We looked down on a Roman camp. "That's a Roman Legion." Amy pointed to it. "Indeed. The Romans invaded Britain quite a few times during this period." I informed. "Oh, I know. My favourite topic at school. Invasion of the hot Italians. Yeah, I did get marked down for the title." Amy shrugged.

A soldier ran up to us and saluted the Doctor. "Hail, Caesar!" he exclaimed. "Hi." the Doctor waved. "Welcome to Britain. We are honoured by your presence." the soldier bowed. "Well, you're only human. Arise, Roman person."

"Why does he think you're Caesar?" Amy whispered. "Cleopatra will see you now."

As we entered Cleopatras tent, 'Cleopatra' turned to us. "Hello, sweeties." she grinned. "River. Hi." Amy waved. "You're telling me you graffitied the oldest cliff face in the universe?" I exclaimed. "You wouldn't answer your phone." River shrugged. The servants in the tent left. River gave the Doctor a rolled up painting. "What's this?" he asked. "It's a painting. Your friend Vincent. One of his final works. He had visions, didn't he? I thought you ought to know about this one." Me and Amy stood by the Doctor, studying the painting. "Doctor? Doctor, what is this?" It looked to be some version of the time vortex with an exploding tardis in the center.

"Why is it exploding?" I questioned. "I assume it's some kind of warning." River said. "What, something's going to happen to the tardis?" Amy asked. "It might not be that literal. Anyway, this is where he wanted you. Date and map reference on the door sign, see?"

"Does it have a title?"

"The Pandorica Opens." River replied. "The Pandorica? What is it?" Amy quizzed. "A box, a cage, a prison. It was built to contain the two most feared things in all the universe." River answered. "And it's a fairy tale, a legend. It can't be real." the Doctor shook his head. "If it is real, it's here and it's opening, and it's got something to do with your tardis exploding. Hidden, obviously. Buried for centuries. You won't find it on a map."

"No, but if you buried the most dangerous thing in the universe, you'd want to remember where you put it."


We requested some horses to ride to the stone henge. When we arrived, we quickly scurried to the circle. "How come it's not new?" Amy asked. "Because it's already old. It's been here thousands of years. No one knows exactly how long." River replied, scanning a nearby stone. "Okay, this Pandorica thing. Last time we saw you, you warned us about it, after we climbed out of the Byzantium."


"No, but you told the Doctor you'd see us again when the Pandorica opens." Amy quizzed. "Maybe I did, but I haven't yet. But I will have." River turned to the Doctor, "Doctor, I'm picking up fry particles everywhere. Energy weapons discharged on this site."

the hourglass (doctor who fan fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora