The Lodger pt. 3

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The Doctor had finished his contraption. "Right. Shield's up. Let's scan." he spun the machine. "Upstairs. No traces of high technology. Totally normal? No, no, no, no, no, it can't be. It's too normal." he paused, "Without knowing and get ourselves killed? Then you really are lost. If I could just get a look in there" he turned to me, "Hold on. Use the data bank. Get me the plans of this building. I want to know its history, the layout, everything. Meanwhile, I shall recruit a spy." he grinned.


The next morning, the Doctor made Craig breakfast in bed. "And I don't get breakfast in bed?" I frowned. "Hm... well you aren't in bed. Maybe next time." he knocked on Craigs door. "Craig? Craig? Breakfast. It's normal. Craig?" the Doctor called out. No response. The Doctor motioned for me to open the door.

"Craig?" I called. I looked around the room until I saw Craig in his bed. The Doctor rushed to his side, setting the tray down. "Craig, Craig, Craig. I told you not to touch it. Look, what's that?" the Doctor asked.  There was a green line up the inside of Craig's forearm. "It's an unfamiliar and obviously poisonous substance. Oh, I know what'd be really clever, I'll stick my hand in it. Come on, Craig, breathe." the Doctor hit Craig's chest, causing him to gasp. "Come on, Craig, breathe. Thems are healthy footballer's lungs."

"Stay with him." the Doctor got up and ran for the kitchen. "Right, reverse the enzyme decay. Excite the tannin molecules." I heard the Doctor say from the kitchen. He ran back in with a teapot and poured the liquid into Craig's mouth. "I've got to go to work." Craig croaked. "There's no way you are leaving here. You need rest." I frowned. "One more." the Doctor poured another bit of liquid into Craig's mouth. "It's the planning meeting. It's important." Craig protested. "You're important. You're going to be fine, Craig." The Doctor gestured for us to leave him.

"Come on. We've got somewhere to go." the Doctor said, closing the door to Craig's room. "Right. Where would that be?"


We had made our way to the call-center. "Oh, afternoon." Michael said, making me look up from the desk. "I'm so sorry, Michael. I don't know what happened. I've got no excuse." Craig apologized. "I think that's not what my screen is telling me, Mister Lang." the Doctor said into the headset. "What's he doing here? Why are you two here?" Craig walked over to us. "Hi Craig!" I waved. "If that's your attitude, Mister Lang, please take your custom elsewhere." the Doctor frowned. "No, no, no, that's one of my best clients." Craig took the headset from the Doctor.

"Hello, Craig. How are you feeling? Had some time to kill. I was curious. Never worked in an office. Never worked in anywhere." the Doctor turned to face Craig. "You're insane." Craig said. "Leave off the Doctor. I love the Doctor. He and his mate were brilliant in the planning meeting." Micheal smiled. "You two went to the planning meeting?" Craig asked. "Yes. We were your representatives. We don't need Mister Lang any more. Rude Mister Lang." the Doctor shook his head.

"Here you go, and I found some custard creams." Sophie walked over to the desk and handed the Doctor the creams. "Sophie, my hero." the Doctor grinned. "Hi, Craig. I went on the web, applied for a wildlife charity thing. They said I could always start as a volunteer straight away. Should I do it?" Sophie asked Craig. "Yeah, great. Yeah, good. Go for it." he replied.

"Oh, Craig, you look awful. You get to bed. Now." I pulled him away and towards the door. "Get some rest. We'll be back soon." I smiled. "What-" the door closed. "Who next? Oh, yes. Hello, Mister Joergensen. Can you hold? I have to eat a biscuit." I heard the Doctor say.


We had returned back to the flat, but a cat coming down the stairs caught the Doctors attention. "Have you been upstairs? Yes?" he picked up the cat. "You can do it. Show me what's up there? What's behind that door? Try to show me. Oh, but that doesn't make sense. Ever see anyone go up there? Lots of people? Good, good. What kind of people?" The cat meowed in response. "People who never came back down. Oh, that's bad. That's very bad." the Doctor frowned. "Oh, hello." the Doctor looked behind me. "I can't take this any more. I want you two to go." Craig said.

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