Victory of the Daleks pt. 2

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"Testimony accepted." the second Dalek said. "Get back, all of you!" I warned. "Marines! Marines, get in here." Churchill yelled, but sadly, the two Marines who came through the door were exterminated. "Stop it, stop it, please. What are you doing? You are my Ironsides." Bracewell questioned. "We are the Daleks." both Daleks said. "But I created you." Bracewell muttered, shocked and confused that his 'creations' had turned on him. "No." the Dalek blew off Bracewell's left hand. It sparked and spluttered. "We created you." they revealed. "Victory. Victory. Victory." the Daleks chanted as they teleported away. "What just happened? Juno, Doctor, answer me." Amy asked. "I wanted to know what they wanted. What their plan was. I was their plan." The Doctor ran out. I quickly followed. "Hey!" I heard Amy yell as we ran to the tardis.

"Testimony accepted. That's what they said. My testimony." the Doctor mumbled. "Don't beat yourself up because you were right. So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?" Amy asked. "This is what I do. yeah, and it's dangerous, so you two wait here." he pushed me and Amy back. "What, so you mean I've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?" Amy crossed her arms. "Safe as it gets around me." the Doctor said running into the tardis. Before he could close it, I quickly ran in. "Oi! I told you to wait there!" the Doctor yelled from the console. "You think i'm going to sit down here while you fight our enemy? Ha!" I laughed as I ran up to the console. "You're really stubborn you know." the Doctor furrowed his eyebrows as we dematerialized.

The Doctor set the scanner on search. "Come on... Bingo!" he exclaimed. I ran over to the scanner. "That's them, yeah?" I had grabbed a pack of jammy dodgers from the seat. "Well, yeah that's them." he turned to me and looked down at the jammy doggers. "Can I have one?" he asked. "Yeah sure." I gave him one of the jammy dodgers. He swiftly put it in his pocket as the tardis materialized. We walked out, "How about that cuppa now, then?" the Doctor announced his presence. "It is the Doctor." a gold Dalek said. "Exterminate." another Dalek yelled, but the Doctor grabbed his jammy dodger out of his pocket and held it up. "Wait, wait, wait. I wouldn't if I were you. Tardis self-destruct, and you know what that means. My ship goes, you all go with it."

"You would not use such a device." a Dalek said. "Try me." he responded. One of the soldier Daleks began to roll towards me, but the Doctor pulled me back and held out his jammy dodger. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. No scans. No nothing. One move and I'll destroy us all, you got that? Tardis bang bang, Daleks boom!" he shouted. The Dalek backed up, "Good boy. This ship's pretty beaten up. Running on empty, I'd say, like you. When we last met, you were at the end of your rope. Finished." the Doctor raised an eyebrow. "One ship survived." a Dalek said. "And I assume you fell back through time. Crippled and dying." I inquired.

"We picked up a trace. One of the Progenitor devices." the Dalek informed. "Progenitor? What's that when it's at home?" the Doctor asked. "It is our past, and our future." it said. "Oh? That's deep. That is deep for a Dalek. What does it mean, though?" I questioned. "It contains pure Dalek DNA. Thousands were created. All were lost, save one." the gold Dalek turned to me. "Okay, but there's still one thing I don't get, though. If you've got the Progenitor, why build Bracewell?" I asked. "It was... necessary." the Dalek answered. "But why?" the Doctor paused, "I get it. Oh, I get it. I get it. Oh ho! This is rich. The Progenitor wouldn't recognise you, would it? It saw you as impure. Your DNA is unrecognisable as Dalek." he grinned.

"A solution was devised." the Dalek shot back. "Yes, yes, yes. Me. My testimony. So you set a trap. You knew that the Progenitor would recognise me, the Daleks' greatest enemy. It would accept my word. My recognition of you." One of the Daleks rolled over to a screen. "No. No, no. What are you doing?" the Doctor yelled. "Withdraw now, Doctor, or the city dies in flames." the gold Dalek said. "Who are you kidding? This ship is a wreck. You don't have the power to destroy London." he scoffed. "Watch as the humans destroy themselves." we heard a ray come from the spaceship.

"Turn those lights off now. Turn London off or I swear I will use the Tardis self destruct." the Doctor yelled, holding up his jammy dodger. "Stalemate, Doctor. Leave us and return to Earth." the Dalek said. "Oh, that's it. That's your great victory? You leave?" I quizzed. "Extinction is not an option. We shall return to our own time and begin again." it explained. "No, no, no. I won't let you get away this time. I won't." the Doctor stated. "We have succeeded. DNA reconstruction is complete. Observe, Doctor and his companion, a new Dalek paradigm." Five restyled Daleks glided out from the Progenitor cabinet. "The Progenitor has fulfilled our new destiny. Behold, the restoration of the Daleks. The resurrection of the master race."

"All hail the new Daleks. All hail the new Daleks." they chanted. "Yes, you are inferior." one of the new Daleks said, a lower voice then the other three. "Yes." the inferior Daleks said. "Then prepare." the three Daleks came together. "We are ready." they said. "Cleanse the unclean. Total obliteration. Disintegrate." And with that, the new Daleks exterminated the old khaki and gold ones. "Blimey. What do you do to the ones who mess up?" I mumbled. "You are the Doctor. You must be exterminated." the white Dalek said, noticing the Doctor and me in the room. The Doctor held out his Jammy Dodger again, "Don't mess with me, sweetheart." he said. "Drone, Eternal, and the Supreme." the white Dalek announced. "Which would be you, I'm guessing. Well, you know, nice paint job." the Doctor shrugged.

"I'd be feeling pretty swish if I looked like you. Pretty supreme." I smirked at my pun. "Question is, what do we do now? Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and your new paradigm into eternity." the Doctor warned. "And you and your companion." the white Dalek pointed out. I shrugged, "Occupational hazard." The blue Dalek turned around. "Scan reveals nothing. Tardis self destruct device non-existent." The Doctor ate his biscuit. "All right, it's a Jammy Dodger, but I was promised tea." After he said that, an alarm blared. "Alert. Unidentified projectile approaching. Correction, multiple projectiles." The white Dalek turned to us, "What have the humans done?" it said. The Doctor shrugged, "I don't know."

"Explain. Explain. Explain." the white Dalek shouted. "Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor. Are you receiving me? Over." a voice said over the intercoms. "Oh ho! Winston, you beauty." the Doctor exclaimed. "Danny Boy to the Doctor. Come in. Over." the voice said again. "Loud and clear, Danny Boy. Big dish, side of the ship. Blow it up. Over." the Doctor replied. "Exterminate the Doctor." the white Dalek yelled. The Doctor pushed me into the tardis, closing the door behind him. We ran up to the console, turning on the monitor to see the fight between a few planes and the Dalek ship. "That's impossible with those planes..." I said. "I think they used someone on the inside." the Doctor grinned. "Oh... Oh! They used the gravity bubbles Bracewell had blueprints of!" I exclaimed. The Doctor gave me a smile.

"Danny Boy to the Doctor. Only me left now." Danny Boy said. "Anything you can do, sir? Over." he asked. "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. I can disrupt the Dalek shields, but not for long. Over." the Doctor ran over to the other side of the console, beginning to press button and flick switches. "Good show, Doctor. Go to it. Over." Danny Boy said. I watched as the pilot shot down the Dalek ship. "Danny Boy to the Doctor. Going in for another attack." The Doctor ran over to the monitor, "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Destroy this ship. Over."

"What about you, Doctor?" the pilot asked. "Oh, we'll be okay." I said. Suddenly, the monitor switched over to the colored Daleks outside. "Doctor, call off your attack." the white Dalek demanded. "Ah ha. What, and let you scuttle off back to the future? No way. This is the end for you. The final end." the Doctor laughed. "Call off the attack, or we will destroy the Earth." the white Dalek warned. "I'm not stupid, mate. You've just played your last card." the Doctor crossed his arms. "Bracewell is a bomb." it informed. "You're bluffing. Deception's second nature to you. There isn't a sincere bone in your body. There isn't even a bone in your body." I scoffed.

The Supreme Dalek projected himself into the tardis on a holo-screen. "His power is derived from an Oblivion Continuum. Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android." the Dalek warned. "No. This is my best chance ever. The last of the Daleks. I can rid the Universe of you, once and for all." the Doctor didn't back down. "Then do it. But we will shatter the planet below." The Doctor turned to me."The Earth will die screaming." The white Dalek made us picture the horror. "Yeah, and if I let you go, you'll be stronger than ever. A new race of Daleks." the Doctor kept his eyes on me. "Then choose, Doctor. Destroy the Daleks,"

"or save the Earth."

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