The home

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  I had another dream about him- the madman and his blue box. He wore a blue suit and a brown trench coat with white high top converse this time. He was with someone. Rose. Oh, but the most terrible thing happened.

  Tears filled my eyes as I woke up. I quickly rubbed them away and got up. I decided to grab the necklace from the nightstand and made my way to the door.

  As I walked through the hallways, I could hear children playing. Little children mostly. How old was  I? I don't think I've gotten a chance to look at myself either. I began to search for the bathroom. Each step I took made the wooden floor creak. Finally, I found the bathroom. Last door on the left. Beside the staircase. I walked in and shut the door- the mirror was on the right. I looked at myself and squinted. 'not too shabby' I grabbed my chin and lifted my face up to see each inch of my face. Why did it seem so new?

   I looked about 12 years old. I didn't feel like I was 12 years old, though. My hair was short and fluffy, a light brown color. I looked about 5'1, oh and I had green eyes - and two ears! perfect.

  I left the bathroom and made my way downstairs. I could smell food being made so I began to try and find the kitchen. "Hello!" a lady in a blue dress said. "I'm Ms. Shade, what's your name?"

"Juno. I'm Juno."

"Well then Juno, as our newest member of our establishment, we must tell you the rules, right?" she knelt down to my level. Ms. Shade wore high heels making her taller.

  "Rule one:" the doctor lies. "you do not leave your room until 8:30a.m. Rule two: you must attend each meal on time. Rule three: Respect me, the children, and the other staff. Does that sound good?" She said. I smirked to myself at the voice in the back of my head. I nodded. "Alright then! Back up you go!" she motioned to the stairs. I turned back and went to my room.

  There had been a couple of markers and a sketch book left on my nightstand last night, I didn't care to use it at first, but I wanted to draw the Doctor and his tardis. I grabbed the sketch book and the markers and quickly began my drawing.

  I made quite a few drawings. One of the Doctor himself, one of the tardis, one of Rose, and one of his strange device. It was grey and lit up at the top with this beautiful blue color. I slumped in my bed satisfied with my drawings. I heard a bell ring outside, so I ran to my window. I saw people riding bikes and a church. That's where the ringing came from. I saw a nearby park, oh and this buildings parking lot.

  There was a knock at my door. "Juno? Its breakfast time."

3 years later

  I turned 15 earlier this year, around July. I've had many more dreams about the doctor. He changed so much, but I liked each one of them. There was a new one, I only got tiny glimpses of him though. I had about 4 sketchbooks filled with drawings of the Doctor and his adventures. I found out that the device he had is called a sonic screwdriver. It changed with him sometimes.

  I looked out the window. It was growing dark. We just had dinner, so it was time to go to sleep. I hated how early we had to sleep. It was the same thing every day.

'tonight is the night' I thought to myself. 'i'm going to sneak out of this place and see what the outside world is like' The only 5 times I went out was four times to the park, and one time to the hospital- I had gotten sick with the flu. I looked to my alarm clock I had on my night stand and waited for it to turn to 1:00a.m. As soon as it did, I knew Ms. Shade and the staff were asleep- the children were asleep as far as I knew.

  I snuck out my door and tried my best to keep the wooden floor from creaking. I made it downstairs and to the door. I opened it as quietly as I could and... I was out! I began to grin and happily walked down the street. I hummed a tune to myself as I walked down the streets of the outskirts of London.

As I passed an alleyway, I heard someone talking to themself- they sounded familiar. I ran to the alleyway to see who they were. They were tall, had a trench coat on, and was indeed talking to themself.

  "Hello?" I said. They turned around. He was wearing a blue suit. "Doctor." I gasped. He walked up to me, "You know me?" My eyes widened and I gripped my hourglass necklace tight. "You're real?" I asked. "Well, duh. 'Course i'm real." He gave me a cheeky smile. "What's your name?" he bent down to my level. "Juno. My names Juno. And that's the tardis?" I asked pointing to the blue box behind the garbage cans. He looked behind him at the tardis and then back to me. "How do you know that?" he asked in a confused voice. "Oh my gosh." I covered my mouth with my hand. It was a lot to take in. He put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" he looked worried. "Yeah I'm... so they're all real then?" I removed my hand from my mouth. "Who?"

"Well, y'know... the daleks and them?"

"Yeah, they're real. You scared?"

"As long as you're here, I think I'll be okay." I nodded. He gave me a sad smile. "Can I see it?" I looked back to the tardis. "The tardis? Yeah, sure come on." he walked to the tardis and opened the door. "After you." he smiled. It felt like a puzzle piece connected as I stepped in. The coral design and the circles on the wall, it seemed so familiar. "Any passing remarks?" he asked closing the door behind him. I walked up to the console, brushing my hand against the sides. "Pretty nice for a police box." I said. He frowned. "Y'know people usually say it's bigger on the inside..." he mumbled. "Oh yes, I know." I smiled to him. "Anywhere in time and space and you picked here. Why?"

  "I'm looking for someone." I looked up at him. "Who?" I tilted my head. "Someone that I fear will be impossible to find at this point." He threw his trench coat over one of the coral looking support beams. I held my peculiar necklace tight. It was all so fascinating. I closed my eyes and breathed in the air. "Maybe you just aren't looking in the right places." I said. "Maybe so." he mumbled. I opened my eyes to see him right in front of me. "You seem to know a lot." He said. I nodded. "I have these dreams." I said. "Dreams?" he walked around the console. "Yeah, mostly about you and the adventures in time and space you go on." I explained. He raised an eyebrow.

   "How often does this happen?" he started to press some buttons. "Well, not as often as it did a few years ago, but at least 3 times a week." I said. He looked down at my necklace. So many emotions went through his eyes. "Where'd you get that." his face grew pale. "This?" I pointed to the necklace. "I dunno. It's been with me since I was found by the police." He walked towards me. "May I?" He asked gesturing to the necklace. "Yeah sure." I took the necklace off. He studied the necklace. "I don't know if you'd know what those symbols on the hourglass would be, but I just get this feeling that they're more then just symbols." I said walking around the console. He grabbed his glasses and took a closer look. I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

  "You know what..." he began. "Hm?" I hummed. He handed the necklace back to me. "I believe it's time for me to go." I frowned. My heart began to race. I put the necklace back on my neck. "You," he walked up to me and pointed to me."stay safe for me, okay?" I nodded. "You'll come back, right?" I started to tear up. He smiled kindly. "'Course I will." he came closer and hugged me. "Thank you." I said muffled by his shoulder. "I'll come back for you. I promise." he said walking me to the tardis door. Why did that sentence sound so familiar? "Trust me?" he asked as we walked out. I gave him a sad smile. "I do." I waved at him and began to walk off. I heard the tardis door shut. I turned around and ran back. "See you later, Doctor." I said with tears in my eyes as the tardis began to dematerialize.

And just like that he was gone.

I made my way back to the home, my brain hurt. It was like I had gained some kind of information from just meeting him. When I got to the home, no one was up. I quickly, but quietly closed the front door and made my way back up to my room.

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