Vampires in Venice pt. 3

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The Doctor checked Amy's bite wound with his sonic screwdriver. "You're fine. Open wide." the Doctor said. He popped a humbug into Amy's mouth.

"Argh. I need to think. Come on, brain. Think, think, think. Think." he said sitting at the table in the room.

"If they're fish people, it explains why they hate the sun." The Doctor put his hand over Amy's mouth.

"Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush."

"It's the school thing I don't understand." Rory shrugged. The Doctor quickly put his hand over his mouth.

"Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush."

"I say we take the fight to them." Guido said. "Ah, ah, ah."

"What?" Guido questioned. The Doctor gestured towards me. "Oh. Right." I put my hand over Guido's mouth. "Ah. Her planet dies, so they flee through a crack in space and time and end up here. Then she closes off the city and, one by one, starts changing the people into creatures like her to start a new gene pool. Got it. But then what? They come from the sea. They can't survive for ever on land, so what's she going to do? Unless she's going to do something to the environment to make the city habitable. She said, I shall bend the heavens to save my race. Bend the heavens. Bend the heavens." he paused, moving his hands from Rory and Amy's face. "She's going to sink Venice."

"She's going to sink Venice?" Guido questioned, muffled by my hand. "And repopulate it with the girls she's transformed."

"You can't repopulate somewhere with just women. You need blokes." Rory pointed out. "Can you move your hand please?" Guido asked me. I quickly moved my hand. "Hah... sorry."

"She's got blokes." Amy said.

"Where?" I asked. "In the canal. She said to me there are ten thousand husbands waiting in the water."

"Only the male offspring survived the journey here. She's got ten thousand children swimming around the canals, waiting for Mum to make them some compatible girlfriends." the Doctor said, his face scrunched up. "Urgh. I mean, I've been around a bit, but really that's, that's... eurgh..." he shuddered.

There was a creaking upstairs. "The people upstairs are very noisy." I said. "There aren't any people upstairs." Guido responded. "Y'know, I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?" I grinned. "Is it the vampires?" Rory asked. "Like I said, they're not vampires. Fish from space."

The window behind us was smashed. The 'fish from space' gathered at the doors and windows. "Aren't we on the second floor?" I asked. The Doctor waved his UV light at them, then used his sonic screwdriver to reveal their true appearance. "What's happened to them?" Guido looked at them in horror. "There's nothing left of them. They've been fully converted." I stood by Amy. "Blimey, fish from space have never been so buxom. Okay, move!" the Doctor rushed us.

"Give me the lamp." Guido said. We quickly ran outside. "Go, go, go, guys. Keep moving. Go, go, go." the Doctor rushed. "Stay away from the door, Doctor." Guido warned, shutting the door. "No. Guido, What are you doing?" the Doctor ran up to the door, "I'm not leaving you. What are you doing?" he tried to use his sonic. "Argh, bolted."

"Guido!" the Doctor yelled. He looked back at me and quickly ran my direction. "Move! Come on." he rushed me, Amy, and Rory away. We flew to the ground as the building exploded.

Shortly after, a violent thunderstorm rolled in out of nowhere. "Rosanna's initiating the final phase." the Doctor looked up. "We need to stop her. Come on." Amy got up. "No, no, no. Get back to the tardis." I pointed to the direction of the tardis. "You can't stop her on your own." she crossed her arms. "We don't discuss this. When me or the Doctor tell you to do something, Amy, you do it-" Amy stormed off. "Thank you." Rory said, running after her. "Come on Juno." the Doctor grabbed my hand and we made our way back to the House of Calvierria.

We quickly ran into the throne room, taking the back off the throne revealing alien technology. "You're too late. Such determination, just to save one city. Hard to believe it's the same people that let an entire race turn to cinders and ash. Now you can watch as my people take their new kingdom." Rosanna scoffed. "The girls have gone, Rosanna." the Doctor said, continuing to fiddle with the technology.

"You're lying."

"Shouldn't we be dead, hmm?" the Doctor quizzed. I looked up at her, "Rosanna, please, help us. There are two hundred thousand people in this city." I pleaded. "So save them." she stormed off.

Rory and Amy entered the room. "Get out. We need to stabilise the storm." I said. "We're not leaving you two." Rory shot back. The Doctor stood up, "Right, so one minute it's all  'you make people a danger to themselves' and the next it's we're not leaving you? But if one of you gets squashed or blown up or eaten, who gets the-" the house shook, knocking us to our feet. "What was that?" Rory questioned. "Nothing. Bit of an earthquake." the Doctor replied. "An earthquake?" Amy asked. "Manipulate the elements, it can trigger earthquakes. But don't worry about them." the Doctor stood up.


"No. Worry about the tidal waves caused by the earthquake." the Doctor helped me up. "Right, Rosanna's throne is the control hub but she's locked the programme, so, tear out every single wire and circuit in the throne. Go crazy. Hit it with a stick, anything. We need it to shut down and re-route control to the secondary hub, which I'm guessing will also be the generator. Juno, stay with them. Make sure they do it properly." he pointed at me. "There's a proper way to do it?" I questioned as he ran off. I looked back at Rory and Amy. "Well don't just stand there. Rip the control hub apart!" I ordered. Amy and Rory quickly ran to the throne and tore it apart.

"Wait.. I see him." I pointed up. "There he is! Come on." We saw the Doctor open the brass ball. "Come on." the three of us held our breathe. The Doctor stopped the mechanism. Instantly, the rain ceased, the clouds vanished, and birds started to sing again. "You did it!" Rory exclaimed. "Wait." I ran out to the canal-side.

"Rosanna!" I yelled. "One city to save an entire species. Was that so much to ask?" she hissed. "You can't go back and change time. You mourn, but you live. I know how it feels, Rosanna. I really do."

"Tell me, Juno. Can your conscience carry the weight of another dead race? Remember us. Dream of us." She stepped off the plank into the water. "No! No!" I screamed As I was about to dive in after her, the Doctor pulled me back. "She's gone. I'm sorry, but she's gone."


"Now then, what about you two, eh? Next stop Leadworth Registry Office. Maybe I can give you away." the Doctor joked. "It's fine. Drop me back where you found me. I'll just say you've-"

"Stay. With us. Please. Just for a bit. I want you to stay." Amy said. "Fine with us." I grinned. "Yeah? Yes, I would like that." Rory nodded. "Nice one. I'll pop the kettle on." Amy tunes to me. "Hey, look at this." she took me arm in arm. "We got our spaceship, got our boys. Our work here is done." she grinned. We walked into the tardis.

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