The Sontaran Strategem

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    "I can't believe I'm doing this!" Donna exclaimed. "No, neither can I. Oh, careful." the Doctor said hitting the console with a hammer. He pulled a lever, then let Donna take control again. I laughed at the sight. "Put your left hand down Donna." I yelled from the pilots chair. I began to look at my necklace again. "Getting a bit too close to the 1980s." I mumbled. My eyes widened after I said that, "How did I know that." I whispered. "What am I going to do, put a dent in them?" Donna asked me. "Well, someone did." the Doctor mumbled. A telephone began to ring.

   "Hold on. That's a phone." The Doctor took a mobile phone from a socket in the console. "You've got a mobile? Since when?" Donna asked surprised. "If I'm correct, it's not his." I answered for him. He picked up. "Hello?" The tardis began to materialize. The Doctor stepped out the door. "Martha Jones." I heard him say. "Doctor." I heard Martha respond. "You haven't changed a bit!" he exclaimed. I looked at Donna. "You can take your hand off of it." I said to her. She sighed. "Neither have you." I heard Martha say. "What are they saying out there?" Donna asked me. I smiled, "Just the normal stuff."

   "How's the family?" he asked her. "You know, not so bad. Recovering." Me and Donna came out of the tardis. "What about you?" he asked Martha. She saw us come out. "Right. Should have known. Didn't take you long to replace me, then." she looked a little hurt. I waved at her with a nervous smile. "Now, don't start fighting. Martha, Donna and Juno. Donna and Juno, Martha. Please don't fight. Can't bear fighting." he introduced us. "You wish." Donna said shaking Martha's hand. Martha went to shake my hand after. "You're Juno?" she asked me. "Yeah, I'm Juno." She frowned.

   "We've heard all about you. He talks about you all the time." Donna interrupted. "I dread to think." Martha sighed. "No, no, no. No, he says nice things. Good things. Nice things. Really good things." Donna reassured her. "Oh my god. He's told you everything." she gasped. I noticed her ring. "Didn't take long to get over it from the looks of it. Who's the lucky man?" I asked her with a smile from ear to ear. She knew about me, but why did she look so sad? "What man? Lucky what?" the Doctor asked clueless. "She's engaged you prawn." Donna rolled her eyes. "Really? Who to?" The Doctor grew curious.

   "Tom. That's Tom Milligan. He's in pediatrics. Working out in Africa right now. And yes, I know, I've got a doctor who disappears off to distant places. Tell me about it." She replied. "Is he skinny?" I asked. "No, he's sort of strong." I chuckled. "He is too skinny for words. You give him a hug, you get a paper cut." Donna said. "Oh, I'd rather you were fighting." The Doctor sighed. "Speaking of which." Martha said taking out her walkie-talkie. "Doctor Jones, report to base, please. Over." a voice said. "This is Doctor Jones. Operation Blue Sky is go, go, go. I repeat, this is a go." she answered.

  A convoy of jeeps, trucks, and a squad of the Parachute Regiment went past us. "Unified Intelligence Taskforce. Raise that barrier, now!" a soldier said. A car with Army top brass went past, and they all went to the ATMOS factory. "Leave those safeties on, lads. They're non-hostiles." said the soldier. "All workers, lay down your tools and surrender." another one said. "Greyhound Six to Trap One. B Section, go, go, go. Search the ground floor. Grid pattern delta." Martha ordered. The Doctor quizzed Martha, "What are you searching for?"

"Illegal aliens." she replied. "This is a UNIT operation. All workers lay down your tools and surrender immediately." the second soldier said. "B section mobilised. E section, F section, on my command." Martha commanded, then running off to join the troops under her command. "That's UNIT. Holy shit that's really them. Blimey, they've changed." I commented. "They didn't change for the better." the Doctor mumbled. Donna turned to the Doctor, "Is that what you did to her? Turned her into a soldier?" Donna asked him.


  "And you're qualified now. You're a proper doctor." The Doctor was flabbergasted. "UNIT rushed it through, given my experience in the field. Here we go. We're establishing a field base on site. They're dying to meet you." He mumbled, "Wish I could say the same." We got onto the back of a pantechnicon truck and drove off.

"Operation Blue Sky complete, sir. Thanks for letting me take the lead. And, this is the Doctor. Doctor, Colonel Mace." Martha said as we walked into the Mobile HQ. "Sir." the Colonel saluted. The Doctor looked at him with disgust in his face. "Oh, don't salute." he shook his head. "But it's an honour, sir. I've read all the files on you. Technically speaking, you're still on staff. You never resigned." He informed him. I laughed. "What, you used to work for them?" Donna asked. "Yeah, long time ago. Back in the 70's." I began. The Doctor looked at me surprised. "Or maybe the 80's? But it was a bit more homespun back then, right?" Mace looked at me confused. "Times have changed, ma'am."  I turned away. "Yeah, don't call me ma'am." I said

  "Come on, though, Doctor. You've seen it. You've been on board the Valiant. We've got massive funding from the United Nations, all in the name of Home World Security." Martha said leading us through. "A modern UNIT for the modern world." Mace added. Donna scoffed, "What, and that means arresting ordinary factory workers, in the streets, in broad daylight? It's more like Guantanamo Bay out there. Donna, by the way. Donna Noble, since you didn't ask. I'll have a salute."  Me and the Doctor chuckled as Mace looks at the Doctor, who gives a nod. I then saw the Colonel salute Donna. "Bravo." I said clapping. "Ma'am." Mace said. "Thank you." Donna replied.

   "Tell me, whats going on in that factory?" the Doctor asked the Colonel. "Yesterday, fifty two people died in identical circumstances, right across the world, in eleven different time zones. Five a.m. in the UK, six a.m. in France, eight a.m. in Moscow, one p.m. in China." he informed us. "So they died simultaneously?" I asked. "Exactly. Fifty two deaths at the exact same moment, worldwide." The Colonel looked back at me. "How did they die?" the Doctor asked. "They were all inside their cars." Mace said. "They were poisoned. I checked the biopsies. No toxins. Whatever it is, left the system immediately." Martha added.

  "What have the cars got in common?" the Doctor asked. "Completely different makes. They're all fitted with ATMOS, and that is the ATMOS factory." the Colonel replied. "What's ATMOS?" me and the Doctor questioned. "Oh, come on. Even I know that. Everyone's got ATMOS." Donna said, shocked that we didn't know I suppose.

"Stands for Atmospheric Omission System. Fit ATMOS in your car, it reduces CO2 emissions to zero." Martha said. "Zero? No carbon, none at all?" the Doctor questioned. "And you get sat-nav and twenty quid in shopping vouchers if you introduce a friend. Bargain." Donna said. I put my hands in my jean pockets. "And this is where they make it, Doctor. Shipping worldwide. Seventeen factories across the globe, but this is the central depot, sending ATMOS to every country on Earth." Mace looked back at us.

"And you think ATMOS is alien." The Doctor quizzed. "It's our job to investigate that possibility. Doctor?" Mace replied. I saw paratroopers round up workers as Mace lead us through a plastic strip curtain that led to the office. An ATMOS device was on a table. "And here it is, laid bare. ATMOS can be threaded through any and every make of car." Mace informed us. "You checked it though, before it went on sale." I said. "We did. We found nothing. That's why I thought we needed an expert." Martha replied.

"Really? Who'd you get?" the Doctor asked. "Oh, right. Me, yes. Good." he crossed his arms. Martha and Mace then left. "Okay. So why would aliens be so keen on cleaning up our atmosphere?" Donna asked curiously. "A very good question." I mumbled fiddling with my necklace. "Maybe they want to help. Get rid of pollution and stuff." Donna said. "Do you know how many cars there are on planet Earth? Eight hundred million. Imagine that. If you could control them, you'd have eight hundred million weapons."

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