Victory of the Daleks

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  After the tardis materialized, I opened the doors to look face to face with three rifles. They moved aside to reveal the prime minister. The Doctor and Amy came out of the tardis, "Amy, Juno, Winston Churchill." he grinned. "Doctor. Is it you?" Churchill asked. "Oh, Winston, my old friend." Churchill held out his hand and beckoned. "Ah, every time." the Doctor pulled away. "What's he after?" Amy questioned. "Tardis key, I assume." I replied. "Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor. The lives that could be saved." Churchill said. "Ah, doesn't work like that." the Doctor squinted. "Must I take it by force?" Churchill smirked. "I'd like to see you try." the Doctor crossed his arms.

"At ease." Churchill raised his hand, the men lowered their guns. "You rang?"

"So you've changed your face again." Churchill talked as we walked down the corridor. "Yeah, well, had a bit of work done." the Doctor said. "Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy asked. "Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London." I said. The new knowledge I had already gained made me smile. "You're late, by the way." Churchill turned. "Requisitions, sir." a woman walked up. "Excellent." Churchill responded. "Late?" the Doctor asked. "I rang you a month ago." Churchill took an inhale of his cigar. "Really? Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty Tardis. I'm just running her in." he gave a nervous chuckle. "Something the matter, Breen? You look a little down in the dumps." Churchill said to the woman. "No, sir. Fine, sir." she replied. "Action this day, Breen. Action this day." Churchill smiled. "Yes, sir." Breen walked off. "Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them." a man said. "We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor?" Churchill turned to us. "Why?" he asked. "I have something to show you."

"We stand at a crossroads, Doctor, quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace." Churchill explained. "Such as?" the Doctor questioned. "Follow me." We stepped out of the lift and onto the roof. "Wow." me and Amy looked out onto war London. "Doctor, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell. Head of our Ironsides Project." The Doctor gives him a V for Victory salute. "How do you do?" the professor greeted. "Two flights JU thirty eights approaching from the east." one informed. A bomb landed nearby. "Oh, Doctor. Juno, it's-"


"Ready, Bracewell?" Churchill said after taking another puff of his cigar. "Aye aye, sir. On my order, fire!" An energy bolt zoomed out from a sandbagged emplacement towards the approaching Nazi planes. "What was that?" I turned. "That wasn't human." I added. "That was never human technology. That sounded like. Show me. Show me. Show me what that was!" the Doctor yelled. "Advance." Bracewell said. "Our new secret weapon. Ha!" Churchill exclaimed. A Dalek rolled out from the emplacement. I stepped back, fear ran through my body. "What do you think? Quite something, eh?" Churchill grinned. "What are you doing here?" the Doctor walked up to it. "I am your soldier." it said in its terrifyingly familiar voice. "What?" I asked. "I am your soldier." it repeated. "Stop this. Stop now. Now, you know who I am. You always know." the Doctor yelled. "Your identity is unknown." it replied.

"Perhaps I can clarify things here. This is one of my Ironsides." Bracewell said. "Your what?" me and the Doctor asked. "You will help the Allied cause in any way that you can." Bracewell told the Dalek. "Yes." it responded. "Until the Germans have been utterly smashed." Bracewell added. "Yes." it repeated. "And what is your ultimate aim?" Bracewell questioned. "To win the war."

"They're Daleks. They're called Daleks." I said. "They are Bracewell's Ironsides." Churchill said to me before turning to the Doctor, "Doctor. Look. Blueprints, statistics, field tests, photographs. He invented them." he grabbed a blueprint off the table. "Invented them? Oh, no, no, no." the Doctor scoffed. "Yes. He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. Fellow's a genius." Churchill said. "A Scottish genius, too. Maybe you should listen to-" I interrupted Amy, "Shush." I warned. "He didn't invent them. They're alien." the Doctor said. "Alien." One glided past the open door, looking in. "And totally hostile." I said. "Precisely. They will win me the war." Churchill turned.

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