Chapter Five

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Dear Diary

September 11th 2012

Nathan and I texted all night, but it wasn't not like I would have been able to fall asleep. I was too busy thinking about our kiss and worrying about the fever I got the night before. I kept that to myself and Nathan kept me occupied on Skype. He was with his brother at the hospital and it turns out Ethan knew the one secret I was afraid to tell Nathan, I figured that out when Nathan went to the bathroom and Ethan and I had to talk by ourselves.

I was just worrying myself so I stopped thinking about it and went back to choosing an outfit for tonight, for the double date. I've never been on a date before, let alone a double date and the fact that I have no idea where we're going doesn't help. I called Ciara and right away she picked up. "You better not be backing out on me."

"I'm not! I just- what am I supposed to wear?" I sounded panicked and truth being I was panicking. I was pacing around the perimeter of my room looking at my entire wardrobe that was piled on my bed.

"Calm down just wear something semi casual yet hot, but I will not tell you where we are going, that is a surprise." My mouth basically dropped and I was trying to figure out exactly what that meant. I came up with nothing, nothing what so ever. So I just went along with it.

"Alright sounds great." I hung up and dialled Skye's phone number. "Emergency! I have a date and I don't know what to wear!" I yelled into the phone and she was probably holding it back from her ear. I've never been one of those girly girls so me freaking out about something like this was new to me and probably for Skye also.

"Ok, ok I'm coming just wait and Ryan got out of the hospital so I'll bring him too. He can just hang at the house, with Matt and Tristan. I know they'll be home just waiting to see if anything goes wrong." We laughed and then I laid down on my bed just waiting. "Ok stop stressing I'm here. Whoa what blew up?" I groaned and Skye laughed.

She scrimmaged through my clothes and pulled out a few things. Then Skye threw them at me and walked out of the room. There was a black lace shirt and a grey cardigan with black jeans. There were very few times when I really liked how I looked and that was one of those times. She sat me down and straightened my hair, if I did it I'd be most likely to burn myself, and then she did my makeup. I felt kind of self conscious seeing as I could count my ribs but I put it behind me. I knew it was something that I knew I shouldn't of been worrying about.

When I walked down the stairs I could her Nathan's voice and I took a deep breath. I stood in front of him and all four guys jaws dropped. "You look beautiful." Nathan said and took my hands making me smile but I couldn't help but feel like he was just saying that. We walked outside and Reese and Ciara were standing out by the truck.

"Whoa little Darc you look good, like an actual girl." I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him before Nathan opened the passenger seat door for me being a gentleman. In the car he turned on the radio and Hey There Delilah and he began to sing.

"A thousand miles seems pretty far, But they've got planes and trains and cars." I slapped his shoulder as a way of making fun of his awful fake singing. "Ouch. That bad huh?" He laughed knowing I was kidding and we stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Nathan parked the car and I looked up at the sign to see we were at a bar and grill. "This is going to be fun you'll see." Him smiling made me smile and we walked inside hand in hand.

"Aw you guys are so cute." Ciara chimed and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I heard music start up and I was kid of glad that it wasn't a slow song. We sat down in a booth and Ciara began to ask Nathan questions but I was too busy looking at his lips move to pay attention to what he was saying.

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