Chapter 32 - A worried vice commander

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[The start of Part 2]

Lucas was keeping himself busy. In fact, lately, he was indeed getting busier.

After the simultaneous attacks on the Huran's guerrilla-like troops near all South Kingdoms cities and villages, the Huran force was forced to take a step back. And as predicted by Gregory, the Huran currently changed their strategy into focusing on the head-on attacks.

Their attacks were more ferocious than before. It was like they finally got serious about the war.

They should've done this from the beginning, not trying to destroy South Kingdom from inside like they were planning to do. These bastards!


Lucas spat as he wiped his bloody sword.

The sun was setting and the enemies were retreating. There was the sound of horns blowing from both camps signaling the end of today's battle. The Alliance of South Kingdom and the Empire were winning again today. But not without a price. They were some knights and soldiers who were fallen since the start of the war. Many more were injured.


The knights and soldiers from the Alliance cheered.

The setting of the sun marked the end of the battle for today. It will officially start again after sunrise tomorrow. This was the sacred ethics of warfare. The rule created by the gods since the beginning of mankind.

However, even now, those dirty Huran still attempted a few ambushes at nighttime. But since the large-scale magic meteor ambush that eventful night, the Alliance's army was in a constant state of alert. When ambushed, they responded quickly without losing a soul.

Thankfully, there isn't any large-scale meteor attack like last time anymore. According to the intel from the Night Rose, the Huran doesn't have that much magic to perform it anymore. But thinking about that bright night, Lucas couldn't help but feel enraged.

"Just you wait. Soon, we'll be the one ambushing you! Hah!"

Lucas grumbled in a low voice that only he can hear.

Lucas made sure everyone was back to the base before turning his back and made his way back himself.

"Vice Commander Lucas!"

South Kingdom's attack squad captain knight, Captain Watson, greeted him. Lucas greeted him back. The captain gave him the report about today's battle.

"1000 soldiers and 300 knights participated in the battle. Out of those, 687 sustained minor injuries and have no problem joining tomorrow's battle, 282 had moderate injuries needing few days of treatment, and 43 of them suffered heavy injuries and are no longer able to engage in battle. None of their lives are in danger. We'll transfer them to the capital for further treatment."

Captain Watson paused for a moment before continuing the report with a bright victorious smile.

"Today as well, the number of casualties is zero! No fatalities in six days in a row!"

There was excitement in his voice as he looked reverently at Lucas. It was natural that the captain felt happy about it since death is inevitable in a large-scale battle like this. In his experience in battles with the Huran for almost two decades, there was never a battle without any fallen soldier. Even when they overwhelmed the enemy's troops with their numbers, there surely be death, albeit minimal. However, the presence of the strongest swordmaster in his squad changed the game. He leads at the frontline, making sure to counter the dangerous attacks first, then he strikes the strongest enemies by himself.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now