Chapter 27 - Uninvited guests

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I slowly opened my eyes.

Ah, I had woken up from a long dream.

It was a dream of the past.

It was the dream of the year I first got involved with Lucas. I guess a lot of things happened that year. Lucas became my partner and escort to parties. I reunited with Avery after five years. And rumors about me started to circulate around the high society since that year.

That year, my feelings toward Lucas almost gone in a dangerous direction. I've learned that I must protect my heart well.

"Huu ahh~"

I yawned.

It was such an eventful year. But I think I forgot something else that happened that year.

What was it?



Avery confessed to me for the second time, a proper one without his child-like innocence, unlike last time. It really took me by surprise.

Since childhood, I think of him as a family member. I've always thought that he felt that way too.

So, when he confessed, in the middle of the garden blooming with late spring flowers, I didn't know how should I react.

"Uh... Avery... I, I'm not, uhm, I mean... This is..."

"It's alright, Lyssa. You don't have to answer at all. Rather, please don't answer. I just want to say it. Please don't let my confession burden you."

Avery cut me off. I must've looked like an idiot. I remembered how downhearted Avery looked at me as he smiled gently, trying to comfort me.

Even though he was the one who needed comforting.

"I'm sorry."

That was the only thing I can say. My heart was breaking as I said it. I really wanted to respond positively to his feelings. But, it was impossible.

"Nah, don't be. I knew it would turn out like this. I just want to let you know how I feel. It's a selfish wish of mine."

Avery cheered me up, even though he was the one who needed cheering.

"Be happy, Lyssa. I'll never forgive Maxwell if you're unhappy even the slightest."

His last words before leaving were a bit weird, though.

Anyway, after that, our relationship became a little awkward. It somehow got better the year after, but it could never be the same anymore. Fortunately, it seemed that he got along well with Lady Beatrice Vallenrose. Lady Beatrice had matured and became more ladylike compared to when I met her the first time. They've made a lovely couple. I attended their engagement party early this year. I'm genuinely happy for him.

I yawned and stretched myself as rolled my body to my other side.

The sight of soft green hair amid the fluffy beddings startled me.


I unmindfully shouted.


Hearing my voice, Oscar moaned as he woke up. He tossed and turned his body around a few times before he lazily lifted his upper body.

"Nn... Ahh... Good morning, Ally dear..."

Oscar greeted me while he rubbing his eyes with both hands.

"Good morning my feet! You crashed into my bed again! How many times was it already?!"

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now