12 - Matt

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Well, here it is, the first day of school. What joy. Finding my locker and my classes isn't really much of an issue. I've been around this school long enough. And it's not very big so even if you do get "lost" you'll find your way eventually. My locker's right across from the water fountain and diagonal from my next class. History.

Sal's locker is directly next to mine and Teddy's is right across the hall, which is cool. I mean he hates it, because, well honestly, Teddy pretty much hates everything, but mostly he hates it because he's sandwiched in between the pep squad sisters, Whit and Bridge. If I had one word to describe Teddy, the last one I would ever use is pep.

But anyway, Kiersten's mad since we all have lockers next to each other and hers is all the way on the opposite side of the school. I was a little disappointed too, but I have just about every class with her, including history next period, so it's not a big deal.

I hear the slam of Bridgette's locker and turn to see what's up.

"Come on Tedward," Whitney says cheerfully and grabs Teddy's arm. "Time to go to history!"

"Yeah, Tedward," Bridgette jumps in and grabs his other arm.

Teddy scowls and grunts as he tries to shake them off, but that only eggs them on. The girls both giggle and hold on tighter, knowing that Teddy's grumpy butt loathes cutesy displays of affection. 

"Oh, come on," Teddy says, still trying to worm his way out of their surprisingly firm grasps. "Let me go." 

They both shake their heads and continue to laugh as he struggles to break free.

"I don't think so, Tedward," Bridgette giggles. "You're not going anywhere."

"Stop calling me that. You know that ain't my name."

Every time Teddy gets an arm loose, they pull him right back in. He twists and turns, but he still can't get rid of 'em. They're like cuddly quicksand. We can tell that he's starting to get frustrated, so Sal decides it's time to step in. The thing is, he doesn't make it better for Teddy. He makes it oh, so much worse.

"Hey now," Sal says, pretending like he's actually going to help him.

"You know Teddy's real name is Theodore," he says now, then cracks a mischievous grin. "And you know why? Because he's Theoadorable."

Sal scrunches his face up like he's talking to a baby, swirls his finger in a circle in front of Teddy's face, and then boops him right on the tip of his nose. Teddy grumbles and tries to turn away, but there's nowhere for him to really go.

"Awww," the girls both coo and pinch his cheeks. "Our little Teddy Bear."

"Jesus Christ in Heaven, I hate my life," Teddy tilts his head back and groans.

Sal and I look at each other and shake our heads. He's the only guy we know that would complain about two blonde cheerleaders crawling all over him. Luckily, he doesn't have to endure the torture of being mauled by two pretty girls too much longer. His saving grace, Jeff Chaseholm comes walking down the hall. Whitney's eyes go wide, her jaw falls open and she immediately drops Teddy's arm. 

"Omg, it's Jeff," she whispers and quickly gathers her books. "I'll catch you guys later."

Whitney goes chasing after Jeff, leaving Teddy behind in the dust. Jeff's not a bad guy I guess. Upperclassman. Guy on the football team. I don't know him too well. I do know Whitney though, and if he's anything like her usual type, he's probably dumber than a donkey.

"What about class?" Sal shouts after her.

"Yeah, you guys better hurry," Whitney says. "You're gonna be late."

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