11 - Kiersten

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"What is that?" I ask as I look down at the big bowl of orangey-looking popcorn resting in Matt's lap. I wasn't gone ten minutes and already he's sprawled out on his bed watching college football. More specifically, the Alabama Crimson Tide vs. the Auburn Tigers, their biggest rivals.

"Popcorn," Matt simply states and shrugs like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. The popcorn's orange. Like, literally orange.

"Why's it orange?"

"It's cheddar cheese flavored. Try some, it's good."

"I think I'll pass," I say and sit down at Matt's desk chair.

He's leaning back on his bed, shoving that popcorn in his mouth like it'll save his life. He stops for a second and licks all the orangey stuff that has accumulated on the tips of his fingers. I swear that boy's a garbage disposal.

"Who's winning?"

"Tide's gonna lose," Matt says.

I lean in so I can see the score. Alabama is trailing by six in the fourth quarter. Close game.

"They can still turn it around," I say.

"No, they can't. They already lost."

"Some fan you are," I scoff.

"No, I mean the game's already over. It's a rerun. This game's from ten years ago. Does that look like the current roster to you?"

"I don't know," I say, annoyed. As if I have every roster memorized like he does. "And why are you watching a game from ten years ago? That they lost no less."

"You learn more from your failures than from your successes. Come on, Kiers, use your head," Matt says then grabs one of the pillows from my bed and tosses it at me.

"Hey!" I say and chuck it back at him roughly. He catches it and makes a face at me. He fakes a throw. I involuntarily squeal and shield my face, but find that I am safe. At least I think I am because Matt still tosses the pillow at me once I'm off my guard.

"That's enough of that," I say and drop the pillow on the floor.

"Really? Because I have more ammunition over here."

He grabs his extra pillow and is about to throw it at me, but just as he raises his arm his dad busts through his door.

"Don't even think about it," Mr. Purdy warns.

Matt slowly puts his pillow down.

"Thanks, Mr. Purdy," I say with a smile.

"No problem, but you two gotta keep it down. Your brother and sisters are trying to sleep."

"Sorry," Matt says quietly.

"Actually," Mr. Purdy adds and glances at his watch.. It was close to ten o'clock. "Kiersten, shouldn't you be heading home?"

"She's staying over," Matt says casually.

"Really? Because I don't remember you asking me if she could."
Matt shrugs, not seeing that he might be in trouble here. I start to stand, preparing myself to leave.

"I didn't think I had to," Matt says simply.

His dad sighs and hangs his head a little.

"Of course you have to ask me. I'm your father and this is my house."

"She practically lives here anyway, what's the big deal?"

"She doesn't live here, that's the big deal. And if you want her to stay over, you have to ask me okay?"

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