15 - Kiersten

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The countdown is on. 10 days left until Matt and his mom are back in Alabama. Not a whole lot of time, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Which, at this point in time, includes stalking Mr. Purdy's minivan to a ritzy country club with an unlicensed driver.

"Jeez, Teddy, slow down, will ya? You're gonna get us all arrested," Whitney says.

"Do you want me to stay on his tail or not?"

"Obviously," Whitney says. "But you could be a little bit more inconspicuous. He's in a minivan for Chrissakse."

"Hold your horses, see, we're almost there," Teddy says and points to Le Chalet just within our reach.

Mr. Purdy turns on his blinker and gently makes a left turn. Teddy though, in true Teddy fashion, absolutely whips it at the last possible second, practically putting us on two wheels.

"Omg, we're neve gonna get a job here in this hillbilly mobile," Whitney mutters.

"I'm the only one who knows how to drive here, ain't I?"

"That's a pretty loose definition."

"You can drop off us here," Bridgette says, completely ignoring the nonsense between her sister and loving boyfriend.

Teddy does as he's told and the three of us hop out right at the steps of the main building. Looking at it now, knowing what I know about Miss Chloe, I will admit, it is seriously beautiful. Like, wow. Quintessential old southern money. And let me tell you, it is most certainly not a chalet. That would imply it's small and quaint and this place is anything but.

"Okay, I don't want to say this, but I think we may be in Heaven," Bridgette says.

"Seriously," Whitney agrees. "This is like, next level rich girl vibes."

"And to think Miss Chloe owns this place."

"It's..." I start to say, but I don't want to admit it.

It won't say it out loud, but it is...it's impressive. I mean, to imagine the work and savvy it takes to maintain this level of beauty and manage a place like this. The restaurant, the pool, the golf course, the ballroom, it's all hers. She has responsibility over all of it. She must be...

No, I stop myself. We don't like Miss Chloe, remember? She's the bad guy here.

"Okay, enough gawking, girls. Let's get to work. Kiersten, you check out the pro shop, Bridgette you check out the restaurant, and I'll check the pool. One of them has to hire us, right?"

"Right, we got this," Bridgette says. "Let's get to it ladies."


I weave my way through gardens to the pro shop. As I'm closing in on the golf course, I spot Mr. Purdy and Drew walking towards the back nine. I quickly duck behind a peony bush so I don't get caught. They keep walking, not suspecting a thing. Feeling a bit bolder, I peak through the leaves for any signs of Miss Chloe.


Okay good, I think. I'm in the clear. I relax a bit, stand up straight, wait until Mr. Purdy and Drew are out of sight, and emerge from the bushes feeling confident in my expert spy skills.

But, my confidence quickly shoots out of my body when I take one step and boom, guess who it is. Miss Chloe.

God, I hate her perfect little golf outfits. They're so freaking cute.

"Oh hello," she says, seeming just as surprised to see me as I am to see her.

She doesn't recognize me at first, but it doesn't take long for it to sink in.

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