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Chapter 30

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As soon as the party of three appeared, the Elionan leading the group of Free Traders smiled broadly. He spread his arms wide and performed an elaborate bow. His tattered mahogany coat flapped dramatically as the wind chose to gust at that particular moment. Its oddly perfect timing somehow didn't surprise Severance, though perhaps that was because his heart was busy sinking into a pool of dread.

This guy, again?

"At last," Ervante exclaimed. "To think we would meet again in such an auspicious place! My delight is immeasurable, for long have I anticipated your answer. And what's this? You've brought friends!"

Severance stared blankly. His mind struggled to catch up to what his eyes were telling him. They were at the Ruins, in the middle of practically nowhere. How was it possible that when they finally made it out, that Ervante would be here? Ervante, and nearly a dozen Free Trader minions.

He eyed the group warily, fighting to keep the panic from rising. All of them were players. One wore the heavy armor of a tank, but the rest seemed to be various DPS. Most of them were grinning, appearing quite eager to be here.

There was one in particular who stood out: a tall woman with viridian eyes. She had a loosely coiled Tempest chain in one of her hands, and when her eyes met Severance's, she bared her teeth like a hungry hyena. It was like she couldn't wait for the blood to start spilling. Her name: Maeve Makasa.

Severance looked away, disturbed. What was wrong with some people? Actually, for players to follow a deranged fellow like Ervante, they had to be a little unhinged. But the biggest question was: how had Ervante dragged a bunch of players from his clan here? And why?

"You know this guy?" asked Nilani Azareth. She appeared more curious than alarmed at their welcoming party.

A mistake, in Severance's opinion, but even so, an unreasonable amount of gratitude flooded him. She was a member of rhe Vigilant, a clan that was known to be far saner and reasonable than the Traders, and right now, she was probably his only ally.

"Sort of?" Severance admitted.

Actually, there was also Splishy Fishy, who was also a part of the Vigilant. Severance didn't have much hopes for the guy being useful, though.

Right now, Splishy Fishy stared with wide eyes. "What's going on?"

That was a great question. Unfortunately, Severance was sure he didn't want to hear the answer. This wasn't going to turn out well, he just knew it.

"I think we need to teleport out of here," he murmured. He raised a hand to the small crystal dangling from his ear.

Ervante said gently, "You don't want to do that."

His voice carried an odd inflection, one that was less sing-song than his usual manner of speech, but this time, the lingering sickly-sweet undertones came to the forefront. Each word was like a slithering serpent, slinking into Severance's ears and coiling intimately around his heart. It made him feel violated and sickened, yet despite it all, he found his hand dropping limply to his side.

It was true. He didn't want to leave. No wait, he really, really did.

Yet he hesitated, for some reason beyond him. Every last alarm he possessed blared shrilly in his mind. This whole thing was wrong and he needed to get out of here, but—I don't want to do that.

He shuddered. "Why are you here?"

"Oh dear, did you forget so soon?" Ervante widened his eyes in a mockery of surprise. He placed a hand flat against his heart. "I refer, of course, to our previous discussion, in which I placed before you the inevitable reality in all of its stunning majesty. You've had time to ponder this, and truly, how little there is to contemplate, but let it not be said that I am not considerate."

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